– Bill Clinton Triggered, Denies Clinton Foundation’s Haiti Funds Were Used For Chelsea Wedding
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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
Again, the UK Secret Service are involved.
Courtesy of https://aanirfan.blogspot.co.uk/
The Presidential Palace in Port au prince, in Haiti
Oxfam and the BBC are said to be run by MI6.
Oxfam and the BBC are said to be linked to child sexual abuse.
It was reported in February 2018 that Oxfam organised a Caligula-style orgy in Haiti, which apparently involved child prostitutes.
Oxfam: exploitation involving prostitutes
Port au Prince
The Oxfam orgy took place after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
Oxfam held a private inquiry into the orgy in 2011.
“Senior staff members hired prostitutes who ‘may have been underage'”, the report claims.
Roland van Hauwermeiren, from Belgium, the land of Marc Dutroux.
“Roland van Hauwermeiren, 68, Oxfam’s country director in the region was allowed to resign without disciplinary action despite admitting to using prostitutes at the villa rented for him by Oxfam.
“Oxfam let three men resign.
“Four others were fired for gross misconduct, which included using prostitutes at an apartment provided by Oxfam, according to a confidential report.”
Oxfam: exploitation involving prostitutes
“A number of sources who had knowledge of the Oxfam case said they were concerned about the age of the prostitutes.”
The source alleges to have seen footage from a night which was like ‘like a full-on Caligula orgy’, with girls wearing Oxfam T-shirts.
No one accused has been arrested or faces criminal action.
The Charity Commission did not receive the final investigation report.
Haitian orphans are being trafficked?
It was Trump’s friend Representative Pete Hoekstra, a Republican, who introduced a bill to speed up the process for adoptions of Haitian orphans.
Rockefeller in Haiti.
A leading figure in the the Dutroux child abuse ring, Jean Michel Nihoul, “managed the group’s finances out of posh offices on the Avenue de Louise in the heart of the Brussels business district.
“He managed a string of Dutroux’s properties which functioned as pedophilia clubs in various countries, including a sumptuous and secluded villa in the Caribbean at which leading U.S. political figures, governors and members of Congress could satisfy their pedophile perversions safe from media sleuths.”
Conspiracy Planet – Whistleblower: Oswald LeWinter – Bush-Cheney
The Caribbean is popular with certain top Americans.
Above, we see some Americans in Haiti.
Jorge Puello – Haiti Child Abduction: The Jewish Connection.
According to the New York Times, a Jewish man suspected of leading a child trafficking ring is also a legal adviser to the Americans charged with trying to take 33 children out of Haiti without permission.
On 12 February 2010, twelfthbough tells us more (one ring to rule them all)
Photo of Haiti from John Carroll’s Posts
Haiti, and the Dominican Republic, have long been destinations for Americans, and Europeans, involved in child abuse.
For Congressmen, or European Commissioners, who like young black boys, Port au Prince is an ideal destination.
(The John Duarte Case / The Douglas Perlitz Case / White pedophiles from abroad participating in sexually abusing forsaken, abused and already much exploited Haitian street children: On the Street by Tim Collie/ Haitian children sold as cheap labourers and prostitutes for …)
Port au Prince
Reportedly, Haiti was where the CIA tested the AIDS virus.
Reportedly (Cached), the US Navy “had an experimental medical station down in Haiti.
“They were down there because there was a huge pool of very poor locals they could use as subjects in tests.
“He said that they were developing something that would lower a person’s resistance to the point where a common cold would put them out of action for weeks.”
Live From Haiti.
From ‘AIDS and the Doctors of Death’ Alan Cantwell MD, 1988 (Research On AIDS In Haiti):
“U.S. scientists heavily promoted the theory that AIDS was brought to America by affluent, young promiscuous gays from Manhattan, who regularly traveled to Port-au-Prince and Carrefours where it was cheap and easy to have sex with Haitian men…
“The public was repeatedly informed that the ‘gay plague’ was brought to America by Manhattan gays sodomized in Haiti…
“Some Haitians use epidemiologic data to suggest that Manhattan gays brought the disease to Haiti…
“(There is a) theory which accuses the CIA of conducting secret biological experiments on male and female prostitutes in Carrefour.
“Proponents of this theory insist that prostitutes were deliberately injected with viruses during routine injections of antibiotics for sexually-transmitted diseases.
“The theory seems so bizarre, and yet there are statistical and epidemiologic peculiarities of Haitian AIDS that could be compatible with covert human experimentation…
“Something obviously happened in Haiti around the late 1970s to account for the outbreak of AIDS.”
Presidential palace in Haiti by M_Eriksson flickr
Castro in Cuba and Chavez in Venezuela have helped the poor.
They resisted CIA attempts to make their countries as poor as Haiti.
(Food Sovereignty: Fighting the “creeping coup” in Venezuela)
The CIA likes to control Haiti and that means that people starve and the drugs trade flourishes.
“With food prices rising, Haiti’s poorest can’t afford even a daily plate of rice, and some take desperate measures to fill their bellies.
“Charlene, 16 with a 1-month-old son, has come to rely on a traditional Haitian remedy for hunger pangs: cookies made of dried yellow dirt from the country’s central plateau.”
– Poor Haitians resort to eating dirt and AP fails to tell why
Spot the American naval vessel
According to Patrick Elie, who was President Aristide’s anti-drug czar, the CIA-created Haitian National Intelligence Service (NIS) has been involved with narcotics-trafficking, and “functioned as a political intimidation and assassination squad.”
(Haiti, Drugs and CIA)
“Aristide told the UN that each year Haiti is the transit point for nearly 50 tons of cocaine worth more than a billion dollars, providing Haiti’s military rulers with $200 million in profits.”
– Haiti’s Nightmare: the Cocaine Coup and the CIA Connection
Port au Prince
Wal-Mart baseballs?
Reportedly, most baseballs are made in Haiti by American companies.
The factory girls get ‘starvation wages’.
Reportedly they also get injured arms and eyes.
The Americans control the bauxite, sugar and sisal. It’s like Cuba before Castro.
Reportedly, Walt Disney have contractors in Haiti who make Micky Mouse clothes.
At one time the factory girls were getting 8 pence an hour.
You can’t live on that. Then Wal-mart sells the Pocahontas pyjamas for quite a few dollars.