AP, Nov 26, 2017: Japan is poised to flood the Pacific with one million tons of nuclear water contaminated by the Fukushima power plant… The Japanese government is being urged by experts to gradually release radioactive water in to the Pacific Ocean… The water is stored on site in around 900 large and densely packed tanks and could spill should another major disaster strike. The government has been urged to release the water into the ocean… Local fishermen are extremely hesitant to this solution… Fumio Haga, a drag-net fisherman, said: ‘People would shun Fukushima fish again as soon as the water is released.’…
Newsweek, Nov 25, 2017: Experts Want Japan To Push A Million Tons Of Radioactive Water Into the Pacific Ocean… The government has been urged by experts to gradually release the water to the Pacific Ocean…
AP, Nov 27, 2017: Fukushima meltdown: Japan urged to dump radioactive waste in Pacific Ocean by nuclear experts; Nation at a loss with how to dispose of tanks of toxic matter left over from 2011 disaster… Experts advising the government have urged a gradual release to the nearby Pacific Ocean… Local fishermen are baulking. The water, no matter how clean, has a dirty image for consumers, they say… The fishermen fear any release would sound the death knell for their nascent and still fragile recovery… The amount of radioactive water at Fukushima is still growing, by 150 tonnes a day. The reactors are damaged beyond repair, but cooling water must be constantly pumped in to keep them from overheating. That water picks up radioactivity before leaking out of the damaged containment chambers and collecting in the basements… “Our recovery effort up until now would immediately collapse to zero if the water is released,” Iwaki abalone farmer Yuichi Manome said…
Metro.co.uk, Nov 27, 2017: Japan could pump 1,000,000 tons of radioactive water into the sea from Fukushima — More than six years after a tsunami devastated Japan’s west coast and overwhelmed the Fukushima nuclear power plant it has been revealed radioactive water could be pumped into the sea… Experts have advised the government to carry out a gradual release into the Pacific Ocean… Fishermen are still trying to recover from the disaster but the release of water could kill the industry…
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