– CDC Says Americans Are Fatter Than Ever Before; 40% Of Adults Now Considered Obese
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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
A local council in the United Kingdom has banned a rare bookseller from having a stall in Loughborough Market after someone complained that novelty mugs she had for sale could be “offensive to Muslims”.
This really is the end for the UK…
Same-sex marriage survey: count watchers bound by lifetime secrecy.
Exclusive: Observers of the process powerless to challenge disputed responses and cannot speak out about any irregularities.
Observers tasked with maintaining the integrity of the same-sex marriage postal survey count are subject to a confidentiality agreement that bans them from ever speaking about it publicly.
The deed stipulates that an observer “must not make any public comments” about the conduct of the survey until “after the Australian Bureau of Statistics has announced that the records it holds of responses to the survey have been destroyed”.
It states that any breach of the deed may “constitute a criminal offence under Commonwealth law”.
The ABS has said it will destroy survey material within 60 days of publishing the results, but there is no end date for the confidentiality agreement.
Sounds like there is no choice?