– ISIL Seeking to Get into Russia Using Foothold in Afghanistan:
“The bandits are most actively moving (from Syria and Iraq) to the territory of Afghanistan, where ISIL’s positions have already been established, from where they receive the opportunity to infiltrate into Central Asia, Iran, China, and India. Using the Afghan foothold, the terrorists are also attempting to carry out attacks against Russia,” Bortnikov said at a meeting of Russia’s special services chiefs in the city of Krasnodar, Sputnik reported.
The FSB chief added that international terror organizations are also setting up strongholds in Yemen, Central Africa, and South East Asia.
Bortnikov also said that terror groups managed to establish close ties with ethnic criminal groups in both Europe and Russia.
“The gang leaders established strong ties with major ethnic organized criminal groups, which supply them with arms, documents necessary for legalization, and support them in other ways,” the FSB director said, adding that the leaders of international terrorist structures are broadly using migration flows to achieve their goals, which makes it possible for militants and terrorists to enter target countries under the disguise of refugees or labor migrants with the borders being fully or partially open.
“Having been virtually defeated in establishing a caliphate on the territory of Syria and Iraq, the leaders of ISIL and international terror organizations that joined it set a new global goal of creating a worldwide terror network,” the security official said.
ISIL terrorists have turned their eyes on Afghanistan since they’ve started to lose positions in Syria and Iraq.
Afghanistan has long been suffering from unstable political, social and security situation due to the activity of terrorists, including those of ISIL and the Taliban organizations.
H/t reader squodgy:
“Well, they could integrate with their partners in Afghanistan (U.S. Army) and they could all get high and totally ineffective together.”
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