Republican Senator Corker Calls For “Radical Change” In The White House

Republican Senator Corker Calls For “Radical Change” In The White House:

“I do think that there do need to be radical changes… he has not demonstrated that he understands the character of this nation…. our nation is going to go through great peril.”

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5 thoughts on “Republican Senator Corker Calls For “Radical Change” In The White House”

  1. Is a Tolerant Culture Being Replaced by an Intolerant One?

    One need not go back centuries to the Muslim conquest of the Christian late classical world — the medieval Barbary corsair raids, the Ottoman yoke in Central and Eastern Europe or the slave markets of Kaffa in Tatar Muslim Crimea — to understand that this violence clearly predates the European colonial era, the creation of the modern state of Israel, or the issue of climate change.


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