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It is a nonsense.
First – German poverty-limit is far above neighbouring Czech republic average income (consider, that I now live with $400 a month, but a $900 a month is median income here, in German-neighbouring Czech republic), with similar or even lower prices of food and goods in Germany (there are a cross-border shoppers driving into german supermarkets for cheaper goods). German “poverty” is quite far above other Europe’s countries median. And guess, in Czech republic there are officially comparatively very few people living in poverty, because actual “poverty line” is so low that it’s hard to get below it…
Second, “poverty” in Germany surely does not mean any starvation. Germans are by far margin economically very content with Merkel’s rule, which is why she is still there. (So it’s another Esau story of people selling their identity rights for some food and profit, similar to French, who voted for Macron just because they hoped and believed he will “feed” them by giving them work… I just guess how could they believe this anti-worker bankster such incredible campaign lies?)
And last – how many children are in total in Germany ? Do you want to pretend, that some 15% of Germans (the richest european country) live in poverty? It sounds ridiculous…
(Oh yes, because “poverty” in Europe is defined as a fraction of local median income, so by these rules regardless of actual situation, there will almost always live the bottom 10% in “poverty” just by it’s definition…)
To P.A.Semi,
Deutscher Kinderschutzbund Bundesverband e.V.
Kinderarmut in Deutschland
In Deutschland leben über 2,5 Millionen Kinder in Einkommensarmut. Dies entspricht etwa 19,4 Prozent aller Personen unter 18 Jahren. Das Ausmaß der Kinderarmut ist seit vielen Jahren gravierend hoch. Nähere Informationen zu Definition und Ausmaß von Armut finden Sie hier.
Der Spiegel:
Studie: Es gibt viele arme Kinder, doch wir wissen wenig über sie
Mehr als 1,9 Millionen Kinder in Deutschland leben von Hartz IV – und ihre Zahl steigt stetig.
– Armut in Deutschland: Mehr als jeder vierte Minderjährige ausgegrenzt:
Unter Minderjährigen ist Armut weit verbreitet. 3,7 Millionen Kinder und Jugendliche in Deutschland sind laut Jugendhilfe abgehängt.