Trump, like Bill Clinton, has strong connections to Jeffrey Epstein.
But there is no need to blackmail satanic Illuminati puppets, like Clinton or Trump.
That folder with delicate info that TPTB have on every President, is just to make sure that the puppets stay on track and will always do what the masters tell them to do.
Trump, like Hillary, was a puppet from the beginning, and a puppet usually has a handler.
H/t reader squodgy:
“Looks like they’re all beginning to catch on at last.
You were the first.”
– Israel’s House of Kushner Now Runs the Trump Administration for the NWO Globalists:
Is the Zionist Neocon cabal using a Kushner blackmail operation to control Trump?
“Pedogate criminality can be used to blackmail and/or bribe any politician on planet Earth if they have been compromised. Even if they haven’t, the pols can still be controlled by the perps with fabricated evidence…which the C.I.A. and MOSSAD do all the time.”
— Veteran Intelligence AnalystThe following investigative report (linked right below) discloses some extremely concerning and sordid criminal history about Charles Kushner, father of Jared Kushner. It exposes the means by which his political power and financial influence have been exerted on government officials in the past. Hence, the question must be asked as to whether the Trump White House is now vulnerable to the same tactics.
Jared Kushner: A Suspected Gangster Within the Trump White House (Investigative Report)
The preceding report is as radioactive as it gets. This detailed exposé needs to be disseminated far and wide before war plans develop beyond a point of no return. Many within the Alt Right would especially benefit from this major reality check while they wax philosophical about Trump’s rapidly increasing number of war crimes (e.g. Yemen, Mosul, Syria, Afghanistan, etc.).
Unless the American people come to understand the true depth and breadth of the various control mechanisms operating in the Oval Office — 24/7 — the U.S. government crime spree will only continue. President Trump’s audacious war crime committed against Syria with the April 6th missile attack is just the beginning of this new 4-year crime spree. A blatant war crime like that can literally trigger World War III. Deep State has been desperately pushing for war because it would be put out of business were it not for the perpetual war economy that keeps it from collapsing.
Why Did Trump Really Go Ballistic And Commit A War Crime In Syria?
What happened to Donald Trump?
The following video of the President’s Easter Week address to the nation reveals a radically different person than the candidate everyone saw on the campaign trail. It’s not so much the content of his address that is concerning, although one would think that it was created for the Modern State of Israel, not the United States of America; rather, it was his never-before-seen and quite peculiar way of projecting his presence.
YIKES! What in the world happened to Donald Trump? (Video)
The real $64,000 question, then, is: Who has taken control of the POTUS?
There are actually various answers to this question, each one being quite relevant to the present White House predicament. As for the general mechanics of the takeover operation, the article below provides the short answer to “Who?” and “How?”.
‘Kushner Coup’ inside the Trump White House
Blackmailed by Israel?
There is usually one reason why American presidents commit war crimes, especially early in their first term in office. They are blackmailed by Israel for one purpose or another. Things are no different in the case of President Donald Trump.
“Of course, the rite of passage for every new U.S. President is the commission of a flagrant and unmistakable war crime on behalf of the rogue nation of Israel. Hence, it appears that — with the criminal bombing of Syria — the new POTUS has just had his political bar mitzvah.”
(Source: Trump Bombed Syria For Israel)It’s now clear that Jared Kushner is acting on behalf of a foreign entity to negatively influence the POTUS. Why? Because it was his wife Ivanka, according to published reports, who convinced her father to launch a missile attack against the sovereign nation of Syria based on a patently false accusation. If Ivanka did weigh in so heavily with her father, then it was obviously husband Jared who convinced her. The idea of such a risky and unprovoked military assault would never have originated with daughter Ivanka, who is well known to be the apple of her father’s eye.
Only Israel stood to gain so much from such a reckless U.S. war crime because it served the advancement of their extremely misguided Greater Israel project. Even ISIS was emboldened by the missile strikes since they hit the Shayrat Airbase that was used to defend the Homs province from the advancing rebels and menacing terrorist groups. That President Trump would make such a weighty and ill-advised move in favor of Israel, which would alienate his entire political base, indicates Jared’s direct involvement in the decision process.
There’s no question that Jared has been given an inordinate amount of power in the Trump White House just as he was assigned major responsibilities during both the post-election transition period and campaign season. Even his Wikipedia page provides an extraordinary list of titles and roles given by Trump that just keeps on growing.
Jared Kushner’s Wikipedia page — “Political Activity” section
This rapidly evolving situation smacks of an underlying conspiratorial plot. To those in intelligence circles, the various April events reflect all the hallmarks of an ongoing Mossad-directed black operation. Numerous agents of Deep State are also acting in concert with Israeli operatives to completely control Trump. If this plot is as organized as it appears to be, then the key point-man is Jared Kushner, who was strategically positioned within Trump’s own family several years ago in anticipation of conducting such a bloodless coup. How’s that for planning ahead?
The more power that both Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump accrue in the White House, the more justifiable scrutiny they will both undergo—by everyone concerned. Naked nepotism such as this is similar to a monarchy where members of the royal family fill all the most powerful positions in the realm. This is precisely why George Washington immediately terminated all talk of an American kingship after he was chosen by his peer Founding Fathers to lead the Thirteen Colonies.
However, in the case of Jared Kushner, we have a former zealous Democrat filling all of the most important positions throughout the Trump Administration. And he appears to be acting on behalf of Zionist Israel in the process. So, once again, the barbarians are inside the gates—the White House gates, no less.
For anyone who questions whether the barbarians are inside the gates, please view the following graphics which accurately depict the apartheid state of Israel (Israel’s Apartheid State In 10 Graphics). Each of those graphics foreshadows exactly where the United States of America is now going, unless the treasonous conspiracy is exposed and the traitors are arrested post haste.
Given that the same covert Zionist Neocon leadership has been steering the destiny of the USA for decades, it’s imperative that the American people throw off the yoke of Israeli bondage asap. Failure to do so will not only result in the eventual debt enslavement of the U.S. citizenry, it will hasten the final demise of the American Republic. Just look at Palestine … as well as the rest of the Middle East. Then take a close look at the European Union, especially the nations on the southern flank, as well as France, Germany and Sweden.
Jared’s “666” Building
Even Jared’s purchase of the infamous “666” Building located at 666 5th Avenue has created LOTs of suspicion (666 was also the actual NAME of the building until it was changed). That he paid a then record $1.8 billion (3 x 6) certainly did not help allay the fears of conspiracy theorists across the World Wide Web of intrigue. Incidentally, Jared is now 36 years old which he turned just before Trump’s inauguration.
‘President Kushner’ owns 666 Building where the “Mark of the Beast” Chip is Developed
However, that’s not the kind of intrigue that really catches people’s attention these days. It’s that a real estate deal was brokered with the Chinese that allowed young Jared to profit handsomely from the sale of such an [OVERPRICED] piece of real estate. Now how in the world did that happen? And just shortly after the election of his father-in-law?
How did Jared Kushner’s “666” Building turn a potential $400 million profit so quickly?
This whole story, not just about the “Kushner coup”, but the whole wild and wacky Trump narrative gets weirder by the day. Let’s face it, when Russian State TV says that President Trump is more dangerous than North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un, you know things are about to get very interesting indeed!
Russian State TV Says Trump Is More Dangerous Than Kim Jong-Un
Jared & Ivanka, Mega & Monica
The narrow gap of separation between Jared Kushner and some of Israel’s top gangsters is cause for alarm. This situation became especially acute after it was revealed that Kushner failed to provide all the requested information on his national security questionnaire forms concerning his contacts with foreign persons and interests, and has led to congressional calls for his security clearance to be suspended.[1]
The preceding excerpt, which comes from the above referenced “investigative report”, is well worth revisiting. It highlights a common dynamic which has been at work in the White House for several decades—using any plausible strategy required, including gangster tactics, that permit Israel to closely monitor the White House.
Ever since the United Nations formally admitted Israel into that world body in 1949, the nascent Israeli government knew that it owed its very existence to the USA. Not only did strong American support ‘legitimize’ that international crime committed against Palestine, the U.S. military has guaranteed Israel’s protection ever since. Hence, the perceived need by Tel Aviv to forever control the occupant of the Oval Office has became their highest priority.
Because of the recent about-face Trump has performed vis-à-vis his base, which occurred during the meteoric ascension of his son-in-law in the West Wing, these hard realities must be addressed. Everything points to a highly coordinated blackmail and/or bribery operation run by Israeli intelligence using the young Kushner as the inside agent. That would put Donald Trump’s son-in-law at the very center of a black op designed to effectively control the POTUS. Of course, daughter Ivanka would play a pivotal role in this family affair, which is now unfolding as numerous affairs of state.
Key Point: President Bill Clinton experienced a honeytrap blackmail when he was stung by part-time Mossad agent Monica Lewinsky whose father was a longtime Israeli intelligence asset (aka Sayanim). When Clinton refused to follow specific orders issued from Tel Aviv about terminating the pursuit of an Israeli mole “Mega” in the White House, the Monica Lewinsky affair was leaked to the DRUDGE REPORT. However, the real reason for “the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal was to force Clinton to abandon pressure on Israel to withdraw from the occupied West Bank”.[2] Apparently someone forgot to tell Bill that the POTUS never tells Israel what to do.
Special Note:
Jared Kushner was basically given his real estate empire by his father. Likewise, Jared was given access to his father’s financing sources, political network and social connections when Charles was in prison. Hence, Jared has a strong incentive to blame everyone but his father for the crime spree that led to Charles Kushner’s ignominious downfall.[3] All the more reason, then, why the true nature of the relationship between father and son must be correctly understood. There is a great likelihood that Charles has used some of the same tactics, which got him into trouble, on Jared. Turning a blindly loyal son into a political Trojan horse sent into the Trump campaign is a cinch for a character like Charles. The crucial point here is that it is quite unlikely that Jared would switch his fidelity from his liberal globalist agenda so quickly to a conservative nationalist movement unless he was compelled to do so. A whole family of ardent lifelong Democrats simply does not become Republican overnight…unless they are presented with a rare opportunity to take over a fledgling GOP administration that is in total disarray. As for the Zionist takeover schemes afoot and Israeli influences on Charles, they can only be conjectured.
The bottom line is that Israel is always determined to control the White House, especially where it concerns U.S. foreign policy toward the Middle East (particularly Palestine).
In the case of the Trump administration, however, there is an inordinate need at this critical time to completely control U.S. domestic policy as well. The international banksters are in very serious trouble and a ‘wrong’ move by the POTUS can bring their whole house of cards down in a Wall Street moment.
New York City, home to “Little Israel”, is the real capital city of New York State which is also known as the Empire State (of the New Babylon). No matter what the empire or the era — it is always the moneychangers who rule the roost. Such was the case for the British Empire, the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece, the Babylonian Empire as well as the various Egyptian Dynasties. Guess who the moneychangers were way back then? (The banksters, moneychangers and tax collectors have always hailed from the same tribal banking class going back millennia, perhaps since the very beginning of the present Iron Age.)
The present Zio-Anglo-American Empire is no different, except that the fiat currency of today’s Global Economic & Financial System has no backing whatsoever. Such an unwieldy and untenable predicament has necessitated a controlled demolition of the GE&FS via an unparalleled bankruptcy proceeding. Which is essentially why the banksters chose The Donald—he’s a well-known and experienced bankruptcy artist. TRUMP: The NWO Cabal’s Nuclear Option—To Declare A US, Inc. Bankruptcy
The Millennium Report
April 17, 2017Editor’s Note
TPTB always control both sides of the U.S. counterfeit coin of presidential politics. They have to if they are to remain in total control of the military arm of the New World Order. (The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order) This is precisely why Trump recently (was forced to) back-flipped on his promise to extricate the USA from NATO warmongering. No U.S. president would ever be allowed to jeopardize the war-making pact between the United States and the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization.
Author’s Note
With the implausible election of Donald Trump the world has just witnessed what was quite possibly The Greatest Show On Earth — EVER ! ! ! However, only time will tell if The Donald will get to star in the upcoming “craziest reality show of all time”. Whether the title of this ongoing Israeli-American production is Trumpageddon or Trumpocalypse remains to be seen. Therefore, it’s now up to We the People to bring the curtain down on the current act before TPTB finish this show with a very tragic ending. (See TRUMPAGEDDON: The Real Back Story Behind U.S. Missile Attack On Syria)
[1] Jared Kushner: A Suspected Gangster Within the Trump White House
[2] Monica Lewinsky Was An Israeli-Placed Honeypot
[3] The sordid case behind Jared Kushner’s grudge against Chris Christie
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