– Measles outbreak traced back to VACCINATED woman who spread the disease
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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
As a kid, we were encouraged to play with other kids who had contracted contagious diseases such as Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps & German Measles (now called Rubella).
Once acquired, the nursing our mothers gave was the result of generations of experience:
Measles- curtains permanently closed, keep warm. Failure could lead to damaged eyesight or stained teeth, or both.
Rubella- Keep warm
Mumps- Boys only- keep warm in bed, potential swelling of testicles if not kept warm, with possible loss of one or both.
Chicken pox – put mittens on child to minimise scarring through scratching.
Now, we are forced to poison the kids as well as overload their systems, with no recourse.
In Germany’s case, at this stage it is hoped that one can still refuse the vaccination after the consultation as long as one records the counsellor’s comments and one’ own arguments.
As usual, the nanny state, plus two generations f dumbing down, obviate the need to take control.