Trump Administration Files Appeal Against Seattle Judge’s Immigration Order Block

Trump Administration Files Appeal Against Seattle Judge’s Immigration Order Block:

Following angry tweets all day from President Trump, the U.S. Justice Department filed notice Saturday evening of a formal appeal of a Seattle judge’s temporary restraining order which put the administration’s immigration order on hold.

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7 thoughts on “Trump Administration Files Appeal Against Seattle Judge’s Immigration Order Block”

  1. The actions of Seatle district judge are HIGH TREASON and should be punished accordingly… (at least by deposing him, and if some migrant causes any terror attack in between, the (((judge))) should be considered complicit in it…)

    It is a severe destruction of Democracy, if some district judge can overrule rightful (I don’t remember the code number, something like 1080???) president’s order, precisely which was part of that president’s campaign promises and therefore decided by The People. This way, the judge usurped Democracy and turned it into Justicecracy (Dikaiocracy to use both parts from greek?) …

    System, where people are ruled by Judges instead of elected officials and lawmakers, is by it’s very nature the ideal Jewish system…
    (And yes, in the civilised world, the laws are created always by the elected lawmakers in parliament and judges may not create laws by “precedences”… In a Democracy, Parliament has always higher hand over normal judges, but still even in Europe it preserves the feudal institution of Constitution Court… But Constitution Court is ultimatelly very different from “any district judge”… Also in developed democracies, president is far from “elected king” as in USA and cannot rule by executive orders…)


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