BREXIT: Prospect of early general election increases after High Court rules Government cannot trigger Article 50 without parliamentary approval

H/t reader squodgy:

“All wasted. The point is, and Farage knew it all along, that the PTB banksters got a shock when Joe public voted OUT, and have been in damage limitation ever since.

This enforced procrastination, which is a legal right forces the Government to debate the matter of Brexit BEFORE applying the trigger of Article 50 escape plan, but it gives the PTB time and enables pressure to be brought by the MI5 & 6 DIRTMONGERS on any disobedient MP’s, threatening their careers & incomes, and they’re all wimps, closet fags or paedos with no principles other than greed, so are totally exposed to pressure from above.

So, the whole thing will eventually be shelved, and then the UK will wake up to the deception.”

Prospect of early general election increases after High Court rules Government cannot trigger Article 50 without parliamentary approval

Nigel Farage Warns Of Untold “Public Anger” After UK High Court Decision As Deutsche Now Sees 2017 Elections

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