Venezuelan military personnel named to oversee food distribution

Venezuelan military personnel named to oversee food distribution:

Not a sign of progress.

(From Yahoo News)

Caracas (AFP) – Venezuela named publicly 18 military commanders to oversee the production and distribution of food and basic goods in an effort to alleviate severe shortages affecting the country.

Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez selected the military personnel for the “Great Mission of Sovereign Supply and Security,” appointments formalized in the state newspaper.

“We will have thorough, precise control of the strategic areas,” Padrino Lopez told journalists Saturday.

“This semester we will record supply levels greater than what we presented in the first semester, and next year, we will already have a structure to increase projection and improve distribution.”

Click here for the article.


“Venezuelan military personnel named to oversee food distribution.” AFP,, 2016-09-04.

H/t reader kevin a.

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