Election Fraud: Trump Delegates being REPLACED!

Election Fraud: Trump Delegates being REPLACED!:

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (INTELLIHUB) — A Delegate who voted for Trump said he hasn’t been “this mad in a long time,” after finding out that the Republican Party “removed and replaced” his vote for Trump, committing election fraud.

“My name is no longer on the roster, as a Delegate I have been removed and replaced, my vote nullified because I had voted for Trump.”

The “Delegate” said that he is “going to raise holy hell over this” and is “ashamed to call himself a Republican.”

They are a “corrupt bunch of thieves.”

The Delegate said that he was “threatened,” forewarned, that if he voted for Trump he ‘would be replaced.’

The Delegate said he was a “life-long Republican” until this happened, and said he will “find another party.”


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1 thought on “Election Fraud: Trump Delegates being REPLACED!”

  1. What the Fuck is wrong with these people???
    If the American people don’t wake up and realize that it’s all rigged then they deserve to be led to the slaughter!!!!!


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