Type-2 Diabetes Can Be Reversed With Food Choices Alone

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Dr. Neal Barnard On Diabetes (Documentary “Forks Over Knives”)

Dr. Jason Fung: Losing A Single Gram Of Fat From The Pancreas Can Reverse Diabetes?
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Search for the MUST-SEE documentary “Forks Over Knives” on YouTube and the entire internet, because uploads usually disappear fast.

Forks Over Knives

I did a little search for you and you can still watch it here:



What the Health Ranger declared 10 years ago is suddenly today’s medical breakthrough: Type-2 diabetes can be reversed with food choices alone:

New research has “discovered” something that NaturalNews editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has been recommending for a decade: that diet can control type 2 diabetes and even eliminate it.

As reported by the UK’s Daily Mail, apparently this truth is just now being “discovered” by researchers at Newcastle University. Researchers there say that a crash diet lasting only eight weeks can reverse the disease, and what’s more, even people who had diabetes for a decade watched it go away after sticking to the special two-month diet.

What’s more, six months after stopping the diet, participants in the clinical trial were still diabetes-free, which suggested that the condition had been completely reversed.

The findings, described as a “paradigm shift” by researchers regarding the understanding of the disease, could lead to a much cheaper (read sans Big Pharma) way of treating the problem that affects 3.6 million in Britain and over 20 million in the United States.

The Daily Mail reported further:

“Type 2 diabetes occurs either when the body does not produce enough insulin to control the blood sugar – or the cells don’t react to it. The condition is often linked to obesity and usually occurs in middle age, coming with a risk of limb amputations, heart attacks and vision loss.

“Experts used to think that once the disease had taken hold, it was incurable. But a growing body of evidence suggests that losing weight could reverse the condition.”

‘Epidemic proportions’

Researchers and scientists believe that this is due to removing fat from the pancreas, thereby allowing insulin production to return to normal, and thus eradicating the root cause of the disease.

The latest British trial not only substantiates what the Health Ranger was preaching years ago, but also that the condition is reversible, and that the goal of mitigating the disease completely occurs within a few weeks.

“The bottom line is that if a person really wants to get rid of their type 2 diabetes, they can lose weight, keep it off and return to normal,” Prof. Roy Taylor, who headed up the study, told the Daily Mail.

In the trial, diabetics who consumed just 700 calories per day, consisting of three diet shakes and some vegetables, lost an average of 14kg (or about 30 pounds) in eight weeks. Of the 30 participants, 12 saw their condition completely reversed.

Over time, participants boosted their eating to healthier, more normal levels, but stopped when they reached about one-third their pre-trial level. After being reassessed six months later, none of the participants had put the weight back on, and none of those whose condition had been reversed saw their diabetes return.

The study participants remained overweight, but they managed to lose enough pounds to take the fat away from their pancreas and allow it to once again produce insulin normally.

“Type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions. The personal cost is enormous in terms of visual loss, amputation, and premature cardiovascular disease,” the authors wrote in the Diabetes Care medical journal, where they published their research. “The inevitably progressive nature of the disease has appeared beyond question. At diagnosis, patients are advised to accept having a lifelong disease.”

Adams reveals his five steps to beating diabetes – from personal experience

However, the team said their results proved that the earlier approach was not correct.

“Type 2 diabetes can now be understood to be a metabolic syndrome potentially reversible by substantial weight loss, and this is an important paradigm shift,” they said.

“What we have shown is that it is possible to reverse your diabetes, even if you have had the condition for a long time, up to around ten years. If you have had the diagnosis for longer than that, don’t give up hope – major improvement in blood sugar control is possible,” Taylor added.

“The study also answered the question people often ask me – if I lose the weight and keep the weight off, will I stay free of diabetes? The simple answer is yes!” he continued.

As noted at TruthWiki, Adams had his own experience with type 2 diabetes – which he beat after educating himself about nutrition and diet, experience he uses daily when writing for NaturalNews, which he founded.

In October 2010, Adams described how to beat diabetes in five easy steps, in part by consuming superfoods daily and avoiding all processed foods.






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