Why Donald Trump Thinks Unemployment Is 42%


Related info:

What’s The Real Unemployment Rate In The US?

The Real Unemployment Rate In The U.S. Is At Least 30%

Participation Rate Crashes To October 1977 Level: Americans Not In The Labor Force Soar By 579,000 To Record 94.6 Million

Right Now There Are 102.6 Million Working Age Americans That Do Not Have A Job

US Unemployment Rate Hits 37.2%

Why Trump Thinks Unemployment Is 42%:

During his victory speech last night in the New Hampshire Republican primary, Donald Trump exposed what everyone knows but doesnit dare admit: the “phony” unemployment numbers that Obama continues to crow about and The Fed is so focused on….

“Don’t believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5% unemployment. The number’s probably 28%, 29%, as high as 35%, in fact, I even heard recently 42%,”

How does he justify such large estimates? Simple…

“If we had 5% unemployment, do you think we’d have these gatherings?”

Tough to argue with that – just as Hillary and Jeb…

Source: RealClearPolitics



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