Just came across this video.
I do not recommend the fruitarian diet, but I do recommend a raw food diet.
In Europe and the US you cannot buy a great variety of organic fruits.
The fruits often are not harvested when they are ripe, so they contain less nutrients.
Maybe a fruitarian diet works when you are living where all those tropical fruits grow naturally.
However, I believe – meaning I can’t proof it – that a fruitarian diet is crashing your body in the long term.
Fruits are great for detoxing, whereas vegetables are better for nourishing the body.
Greens are essential for your health.
Just look at her:
– Interview With 72-Year-Old (Ageless) Raw Vegan Annette Larkins (Video)
I was afraid to try the diet in this way
To siap,
Are you still afraid after you have (hopefully) watched the videos about Annette Larkins?