SURPRISE! You’re Eating Fukushima Radiation; Bloody Cancerous Tumors in Fish & Seafood


Eating Fukushima Radiation Bloody Cancerous Tumors in Fish And Seafood

SURPRISE! You’re Eating Fukushima Radiation; Bloody Cancerous Tumors in Fish & Seafood:

Americans and Canadians have been eating radioactive fish filled with bloody, cancerous tumors, as a result of contamination with radiation in the Pacific ocean from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.

According to the Local Environmental Observers (LEO) Network in Hydaburg, Alaska, they have found strange growths in the flesh or meat of salmon. “We were fishing for Cohos (silver salmon) at the mouth of the Hydaburg River with line and reel.” said Brian Holter, Jr. who said that eight fish were filled up inside with strange growths that were either white or pink in color. “On the outside the fish looked fine. The growths looked kind of like individual little salmon eggs, and about the same size. their people were seeing the same kind of growths in their fish as well.” he continued. This is what the tumors inside three separate Salmon looked like:

This is what the tumors inside three separate Salmon looked like



1 thought on “SURPRISE! You’re Eating Fukushima Radiation; Bloody Cancerous Tumors in Fish & Seafood”

  1. 5 years & an ever increasing frequency of mass die-offs is slowly but irrevocably pointing fingers towards the continuous dumping of galactic amounts of extinction level radioactive water into the Pacific by the Fukushima Tepco/US/Japanese Government & the World Nuclear lobbyists…yet they still whitewash it all…



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