Another Bubble Pops: Used Boeing 777 Sells For 97% Off List Price!!!

Boeing 777 ER price_0

Another Bubble Pops: Used Boeing 777 Sells For 97% Off List Price:

Ten days ago, Delta CEO Richard Anderson sent shockwaves through the aviation industry when he announced he had just purchased a used Boeing 777 for the paltry price of $7.7 million. Here is the punchline: Boeing’s list price for a new 777-200ER is $277.3 million, meaning Delta is buying a used 777 at a price 97.2% lower than the value of a new 777.


6 thoughts on “Another Bubble Pops: Used Boeing 777 Sells For 97% Off List Price!!!”

  1. I wonder if it was an ex Evergreen Airways or even Malaysian Airlines one they decided they just couldn’t use again as Joe Public is getting a bit wise.


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