– Finland – Snowfall causes worst damage in power company history:
70,000 customers lose power – 80,000 phones cut off
The heavy wet snow and sleet over the weekend caused as many as 70,000 customers to lose electricity in central Finland. Worst damage in power company Elenia’s history!”
As of Sunday morning some 55,000 households remained without power.
The areas most affected by the wet snow and sleet were in Pirkanmaa, Kanta-Häme and Central Finland. In particular, customers of the electricity company Elenias were most affected.
The problem started on Friday evening when heavy, wet snow caused trees and branches to sag onto power lines.
In Multia the snow was already well over 20 cm and up to 30 cm in Pirkanmaa, said Finnish Meteorological Institute forecaster Tuomo Bergman.
The weather will remain cold, so the snow may remain until at least next week, Bergman added.
In Juupajoki on Saturday morning was no less than 27 cm of snow.
In Jämsä, the snow depth reached 19 cm. InJämsä the snow has fallen steadily since Friday, about 1-1.5 centimeters per hour, according to meteorologist Jari Tuovinen from the Finnish Meteorological Institute.http://www.ksml.fi/uutiset/keski-suomi/runsas-lumisade-jatkuu-keski-suomessa-jo-nyt-jopa-20-cm/2178045
Image of Jyväskylä Seppälänkankaalta Laukaan road on Saturday morning: http://www.ksml.fi/incoming/2015/11/21/1810506.jpg/alternates/FREE_640/1810506.jpghttp://www.ksml.fi/uutiset/kotimaa/lunta-tuli-ja-kunnolla-pelastuslaitoksella-kiireinen-ilta/2178529