– BofA Looks At Europe’s Record €2.6 Trillion In Negative-Yielding Debt, Is Shocked At What It Finds:
BofA concludes:
For now, negative rates as a policy tool remain a “work in progress”, judging by the current inflation levels across Europe. But the rise in household savings rates amid so much central bank support is paradoxical to us, and mimics what we highlighted in the credit market earlier this year. Companies in Europe are deleveraging, not releveraging, and are buying back bonds not stock.
Despite NIRP, therefore, “animal spirits” across companies and consumers in Europe have yet to be stirred.
And that is how, in a very polite way, you admit Europe’s monetary policy has failed.
But fear not: when even “moar” QE and NIRP do not work, and the economists of the ECB admit the “monetary twilight zone” was a disaster, there is one last “tool” they can and will use – helicopters.
Because when it comes to printing money, whether in digital reserve format, or physical paper format, there is literally no limit how much can and will be created to achieve what is the endgame of the current monetary dead end: the total destruction of fiat as a store of wealth in order to preserve the global equity tranche while wiping away a few hundred trillion in debt.