Wanna See The ‘Trick’ In Trickle-Down?

Wanna See The ‘Trick’ In Trickle-Down?:

In the chart below I’ve indexed real median personal income against real corporate profits (before tax w/o adjustments) to the beginning of 2009, the point at which central bankers implemented trickle down economics to rescue Americans from the largest gov/banking policy induced disaster in the history of the world.   Let’s have a look at the results of the bankers trickle down strategy….


Go figure eh….  Anyone think moar QE is the answer??  We just won’t know unless we keep on trying I suppose… says Ms. Yellen and the Business Roundtable (click to see many of the very faces of those that reached their shifty little hands into the ass of the golden goose and pulled out trillions of printed dollars but left trillions in debt obligations for your grandchildren).

Anecdotally, for those of you that rarely leave the city, I was in a small town in Indiana not too long ago.  I stopped to get a bite to eat and prefer local diners to fast food.  Problem was almost every shop in what would have been a quaint downtown was boarded up.  I asked a lady if there was still a place to get a bite to eat in town.  She pointed me to the last shop at the end of the row.  I went in, sat down, ordered some food and couldn’t help overhearing the guys talking at the table next to me.

“I’m really hoping to get onto the second shift soon”, says one guy.  The other guy responds, “yeah me too man we (family) could really use that extra $0.75 an hour”. 

I immediately texted some broker buddies in Chicago and New York and relayed the conversation I’d just overheard, with the caption…. “I just overheard what everyday Americans are talking about….”

The reality is that while most folks who are reading this may find it difficult to empathize, the vast majority of Americans are scratching for any extra $0.75 an hour they can find.  At the same time CEO’s and highly paid bureaucrats continue to tout policies that have enriched themselves beyond the wildest dreams and comprehension of the average American.  Yet they promote these policies as being in the best interest of the working class.

And although you may be comfortable with your current financial sector job it to is but a fleeting position.  Today you are fine but tomorrow you too will be scratching for whatever cash you can find. There are very few who will not be impacted by what’s already been set in motion.

3 thoughts on “Wanna See The ‘Trick’ In Trickle-Down?”

  1. Quote from this article: “Go figure eh…. Anyone think moar QE is the answer?? “.
    …. moar??
    And then you have to take this article seriously?

    • To Lana,

      The article is from ZeroHedge (and originally from First Rebuttal, which is a ZeroHedge reader) …


      … and they are all using that kind of “slang” frequently.

      And maybe it is a good way to deal with all the economic & financial BS we are fed by TPTB.

  2. I looked at CNN for a few minutes the other day to see what the Fox equal is selling. There was a chart behind the pundits: 88% of Americans are worried about the economy, 50% worried about terrorism & safety at home.
    What are the pundits talking about? It sure wasn’t about the economy……

    Everywhere one looks, the statistics are staggering. 50% of Americans now live in poverty, of 200 million working age Americans, 94 million suffer long term unemployment. US media blares 5% unemployment, we are at full employment according to the Cleveland Fed Chairman. Pundits say its time for rate increases from the FED, we are recovered……..

    5% unemployment? We are at full employment? 79% of Americans no longer believe anything they are told by this government…….Trickle down is a joke, on every middle class member…Most of the good paying jobs have been off shored, and 40% more will join them thanks to the trade deal Obama shoved down the throats of Congress.

    It isn’t going to get better next year, or next decade, and that bitter truth is apparent to most workers. In other times, a recession was always followed by a clean recovery. The optimism we would always persevere is gone, a sense of hopelessness now pervades most areas of our economy.

    This time, the recovery has been a lie from Day One, but it is only in the last year or so that the recognition of government’s endless mendacity has become clear to most Americans.

    The Media is the message…..Three corporations control all US media outlets…..the truth is self-evident.


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