Ohio – Crop damage from flooding “looks grim”

Ohio – Crop damage from flooding “looks grim” (Ice Age Now, July 6, 2015):

It’s hard to tell whether the corn is going to survive, says expert.

Paulding County flooding has caused significant crop damage. It’s in the middle of being assessed but it looks grim, says reader Kingbum.

There is no doubt that ponding and heavy run-off rain has taken a toll on Paulding County fields, said Ohio State University Extension educator Sarah Noggle.

“In corn areas, it’s hard to tell the affect that it’s had or whether the corn is going to survive,” said Noggle. “In some of the earlier corn, the crops could possibly still be there. In the later planted corn, there are going to be some issues.”

Corn can survive up to four days in standing water, providing that weather conditions are cool, Noggle said. The risk potentially increases in warm weather. She has been getting reports of issues of corn with rootworm.

Noggle said that saturated soil conditions will also provide the optimum conditions for the water molds that are common across the state.

Noggle is also concerned about the soybean and wheat crops.


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