– “Deadly” radioactive material up around 50,000,000% at Fukushima plant in recent months — Strontium-90 spikes to record level near ocean outside Reactor No. 2 (ENEnews, Dec 6, 2014):
TEPCO — Detailed Analysis Results in the Port of Fukushima Daiichi NPS, around Discharge Channel and Bank Protection, Nov. 27, 2014:
Most recent report on Strontium-90 concentration in underground observation hole No. 1-17:
- 990,000 Bq/liter (Results published Nov. 27, 2014 — Sample taken Oct. 2, 2014)
- TEPCO’s ‘permissible limits’ for water discharge of Strontium-90 is 10 Bq/liter
First report on Strontium-90 concentration in underground observation hole No. 1-17:
- 2.1 Bq/liter (Results published May 28, 2014 — Sample taken Nov. 22, 2013)
- Latest results show Strontium-90 increased over 470,000 times (47,000,000%) in recent months
Wall St. Journal: Fukushima Watch – ‘Deadly Strontium’
We are facing our own extinction, and they talk about upcoming elections, economic changes and carry on as if nothing has changed. In 3 months, it will be four full years of ongoing radioactive poisons pouring into our Pacific ocean (which is now dead), our food chain broken, our food, water, air and all aspects of our environment destroyed. We cannot eat fish, we cannot eat the crops that grow……..the water is destroyed……we cannot survive this because we have fools in power who insist on acting as if it isn’t happening. A level 4 typhoon hit Japan a few days ago, not one word said on what it has done to Fukushima……..
We are dying, and we have idiots in power. Had we intelligent people, we might have had a chance, but we don’t. Everything is done by committee, and when things are run by group, there is a reversion to the mean, and no genius is allowed.
This isn’t something that will happen in 40 years, it is happening right now. Babies born with strange defects, others with terrible ones, like no brains……….we face our extinction, and the mindless continue to have children.
Salmon run was 1% of normal. Sardines are dead, the food of many fish, shrimp and crab are gone. All the fish I used to eat and enjoy are no more, and what is left is too radioactive to eat. Our leaders are careful to screen all their food and drink for radioactive content, we found out at their conventions, but for the rest of us, silence and lies.
A woman I know actually snickered when I mentioned the dead Pacific Ocean. She was talking about how her husband is so healthy eating only fish…….I tried to tell her……a waste of time. She doesn’t want to know the truth, and as she is of advanced age as I am, perhaps it doesn’t matter.
Our water is poisoned, so are the crops, and air.
We are going to join the 98% of extinct species from this planet.
We have fools in power, and bigger fools who listen to US media.
I am tired of it all, denial is hard to overcome.
Keep putting out the truth, maybe a few will learn in time. My grandson goes to Paris this Summer, I am urging him to take up residence over there, they are the farthest from the radiation.