Sailor talks Fukushima’s Impact on Pacific: “It’s dead… for thousands of miles there was nothing” between US & Japan — “Like sailing in a dead sea… everything’s all gone” — “Just talking about it makes me feel like I want to cry” — “No birds, no fish, no sharks, no dolphins, no turtles, nothing”

Related info:

The Pacific Is Broken: ‘After We Left Japan, It Felt As If The Ocean itself Was Dead’ – ‘I’m Used To Seeing Turtles, Dolphins, Sharks And Big Flurries Of Feeding Birds’ – ‘But This Time For 3000 Nautical Miles There Was Nothing Alive To Be Seen’

Sailor talks Fukushima’s Impact on Pacific: “It’s dead… for thousands of miles there was nothing” between US & Japan — “Like sailing in a dead sea… everything’s all gone” — “Just talking about it makes me feel like I want to cry” — “No birds, no fish, no sharks, no dolphins, no turtles, nothing” (AUDIO) (ENENews, Oct 23, 2014):

Excerpts from newly uncovered interview with yachtsman Ivan Macfadyen:


Skeptoid: This is the third in a series of pieces debunking the scaremongering and hysteria regarding the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant… The ocean is broken. This is the title of an October article from Australia’s Newcastle Herald, chronicling the journey of Ivan Macfadyen [read article in The Sidney Morning Herald]… it went viral, with over half a million views in three days. People connected the dots and linked the dead, garbage-filled ocean that Macfadyen encountered on his trip to Fukushima and the piece has been used as part of the exaggerated story since then. But the link between the two doesn’t appear to exist… The story is also not at all about the nuclear plant, but the damage done from overfishing and plastic pollution. It doesn’t even mention Fukushima by name.

See also: After we left Japan, it felt as if the ocean itself was dead – Nothing alive for 3,000+ mi.

Full interview with Macfadyen here

1 thought on “Sailor talks Fukushima’s Impact on Pacific: “It’s dead… for thousands of miles there was nothing” between US & Japan — “Like sailing in a dead sea… everything’s all gone” — “Just talking about it makes me feel like I want to cry” — “No birds, no fish, no sharks, no dolphins, no turtles, nothing””

  1. Thank you for publishing this article. It made me weep. I have been fortunate to be able to take trips on big ships, and have seen the wonderful play of big sea animals first hand. The eagles, the sea birds, the dolphins, whales…….all the wonderful animal life I so love.
    Now, the poor creatures are in our bay starving to death for food and oxygen, and there is no place else for them to go. US media said to “enjoy the unusual sight”. Gad, what idiots!
    I was fortunate enough to live in a coastal rain forest for twelve years in Northern CA, and grew to love the wild, especially the birds. I used to feed my ravens, and other birds as well. When I went outside, the birds would all start calling each other, “patsy is here, free food coming up”!!
    Ravens were my favorite, they are such stately and elegant birds. Also very intelligent. They had different cries to let their families know what was on the plate today. I fed them on top of an arbor built for the purpose on my back deck. They had different cries for meat, bread, cake,…….they are an incredibly intelligent bird. So are all wild creatures, and they are so clean. They all loved to bathe in the bird bath I provided for them.
    The idea they are being destroyed is more than I can bear. The so called “clean” nuclear energy is destroying all of us, especially those in CA. We have a nuclear accident in WA state, another in NM and Japan. We are literally surrounded…..and we will all die.
    Nuclear radiation is a horrible death. Humans can find alternatives, but the animals and birds cannot. What a crime. If the creeps who allow this to go on without consequence, it tells me the depopulation people are correct. It doesn’t change much…..all will still die.
    There is a volcano providing 7 minute earthquakes in Japan. When it explodes, the sooner the better in my opinion, it will bury Fukushima, and lots of Japanese too foolish to leave. As long as it buries Fukushima, that is the main thing. I don’t care if it kills all of Japan, they ought to be facing the world court……..I think the assertion it will spread nuclear disaster everywhere is as trustworthy as the rest of the lies out of Japan.
    Again, the government ought to be removing people from the volcanic site. What are they doing? Nothing. So, thousands will die while corporate owned government does nothing…….Japan is the best model of why corporations ought never rule countries.
    Thanks again for publishing this article. Main stream media has said nothing regardless Japan is experiencing seven minute earthquakes, quite a lot, even for Japan.


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