Japan Doctor: ‘Tokyo should no longer be inhabited’ – Everyone here is a victim of Fukushima – People truly suffering – Bleeding under skin, urinary hemorrhaging – Children’s blood tests started changing last year – Time running short …


U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Alan Thompson Reported 1,500 MICROSIEVERTS Per Hour Thyroid Dose South Of Tokyo On March 20, 2011

More info down below.

Japan Doctor: “Tokyo should no longer be inhabited” — Everyone here is a victim of Fukushima — People truly suffering — Bleeding under skin, urinary hemorrhaging — Children’s blood tests started changing last year — Time running short… up to physicians to save our citizens and future generations (ENENews, July 17, 2014):

Dr. Shigeru Mita’s essay published in the newsletter of Association of Doctors in Kodaira (Tokyo), translated by WNSCR, July 16, 2014: Why did I leave Tokyo? To my fellow doctors, I closed the clinic in March 2014, which had served the community of Kodaira for more than 50 years, since my father’s generation, and I have started a new Mita clinic in Okayama-city on April 21. […] It is clear that Eastern Japan and Metropolitan Tokyo have been contaminated with radiation […] contamination in the east part [of Tokyo] is 1000-4000 Bq/kg and the west part is 300-1000 Bq/kg. […] 0.5-1.5 Bq/kg before 2011. […] Tokyo should no longer be inhabited […] Contamination in Tokyo is progressing, and further worsened by urban radiation concentration […] radiation levels on the riverbeds […] in Tokyo have increased drastically in the last 1-2 years. […] Ever since 3.11, everybody living in Eastern Japan including Tokyo is a victim, and everybody is involved. […] The keyword here is “long-term low-level internal irradiation.” This differs greatly from medical irradiation or simple external exposure to radiation. […] People are truly suffering from this utter lack of support. […] If the power to save our citizens and future generations exists somewhere, it [is] in the hands of individual clinical doctors ourselves. […] Residents of Tokyo are unfortunately not in the position to pity the affected regions of Tohoku because they are victims themselves. Time is running short. […]

Dr. Mita on patient symptoms since 2011: White blood cells, especially neutrophils, are decreasing among children […] Patients report nosebleed, hair loss, lack of energy, subcutaneous bleeding, visible urinary hemorrhage, skin inflammations […] we began to notice changes in children’s blood test results around mid-2013 […] Other concerns I have include symptoms reported by general patients, such as persistent asthma and sinusitis […] high occurrences of rheumatic polymyalgia […] Changes are also noticeable in the manifestation of contagious diseases such as influenza, hand-foot-and-mouth disease and shingles. […]

See also: Japan Physician: I hope adults will leave Tokyo, not just children — Strange things happening — Medications don’t seem to work — Rare diseases increasing dramatically (VIDEO)

And: Japan Physician: Parents should evacuate children from Tokyo; Danger from Fukushima radiation — “The threat has seemed to be spreading” — “I’ve seen a lot of patients badly affected”

As I’ve said many, many times before:

Everybody should have evacuated Tokyo a long time ago.

“If you don’t educate yourself now and fast, you’ll die.”
– Prof. Hayakawa of Gunma University

Related info:

Former Energy Dept. Official: People Near Tokyo ‘Were Getting A YEARLY Radiation Dose In About 10 MINUTES’ From Fukushima Releases

Japan Physician: Parents Should Evacuate Children From Tokyo

Bloomberg: ‘Near-Chernobyl experience’ for Tokyo even though 200+ kilometers from Fukushima

Officials: Tons of Fukushima radioactive waste in area beyond Tokyo, 150 miles from reactors – Higher strontium levels there than spot 1 mile from Daiichi plant

Harvard Website: Media blindly reports Tepco’s false radiation levels, says Fukushima official; Press won’t report truth — ‘It’s still scary’ in Tokyo, people move away due to hotspots; ‘Environment abruptly changed for half of Japan’

CEO: Fukushima is very bad, we have a crew in Japan right now; Reports coming out that gov’t covered it up … food around whole region got irradiated, increased problems for people in Tokyo

Professor: ‘It’s True That About 70% Of Japan’s Territory Is Polluted’ With Radioactivity; Tokyo Is Contaminated With Highly Toxic Radiation

Japan Physician: I hope Adults Will Leave Tokyo, Not Just Children – Strange Things Happening – Medications Don’t Seem To Work – Rare Diseases Increasing Dramatically

Fukushima Radiation: Japan Gov. Designates ‘Intensive Contamination Areas’ Near Downtown Tokyo

Radioactive Contamination In Tokyo Suburb 3 Times Higher Than 1 Mile From Fukushima Daiichi

Tokyo Radiation Olympics (EnviroReporter, Sep 8, 2013)

Tokyo Hit By Highest Fallout Levels Since May 2011 (April, 2013)

Deadly Levels Of Radiation Found In Food 225 Miles From Fukushima (Media Blackout On Nuclear Fallout Continues)

Arnie Gundersen: Contamination Levels That Would Be Considered Radioactive Waste In U.S. Were Ubiquitous On Tokyo Streets When I Visited

Tokyo Almost As Irradiated As Fukushima

Tokyo Still Burning 148 Tons Of Radioactive Debris Every Single Day!

‘Many People From Even Tokyo Have Thyroid Problems Already’

Tokyo: Experts Warn Of Increasing Radiation Levels

Radioactive Cesium In Tokyo Tap Water 4% Higher Than Fukushima

Tokyo Bay Cesium Even Higher Than Radiation Levels Off Fukushima (Video)

Insane Japan: Traitor Edano Wants Spent Fuel Stored In Tokyo And Other Big Cities

16,800 Bq/kg Of Cesium In Tokyo Sewage Sludge Ash

21,346 Bq/Kg At Tokyo Train Station

Prof. Hiroaki Koide: Tokyo Area As Contaminated As Fukushima

Prof. Dr. Chris Busby: Extremely High Levels Of Radioactivity In Tokyo Apartment Air Filter – ‘We Are Talking About Hundreds Of Thousands Of Bequerels Per Kg In This Dust’ (Video)

Don’t Touch Moss In Tokyo! – 4,370 Bq/Kg

Japanese Journalist: ‘Do They Want To Kill Children? – Adults in Tokyo Are Insane’

Tokyo Soil So Contaminated With Radiation It Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The U.S. – If Reactor 4 Fuel Explodes, The World Is Done For

Edogawa, Tokyo: 2,566,720Bq/? Radioactive Cesium

A Lot More Mutated Dandelion’s Found In Tokyo And Saitama

Tokyo: Cherry Blossom At 235 Bq/Kg Of Cesium

Adachi, Tokyo: 3.829 MicroSieverts/Hour

Katsushika, Tokyo: Radiation Dosimeter Goes OVERSCALE

Katsushika,Tokyo: 8 MicroSieverts/Hour Detected (Video)

Chief Nuclear Engineer Arnie Gundersen: Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US! (Video)

Tokyo (Railway) Station As Contaminated As Fukushima Mandatory Evacuation Zone

Tokyo ‘Attacked’ By Radioactive Pollen, Estimated To Contain 250Bq/g Of Cesium

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Stores Radioactive Fly-Ash in Plastic Bags Under Blue Tarp And Sand Bags In Tokyo Bay Landfill

Prof. Dr. Chris Busby: ‘You Shouldn’t Go On A Business Trip To Japan’ – ‘Get Out Of Japan’ – ‘Run!’ – ‘I Would Get Out Of Tokyo’ (Video)

Extremely High Level Of Radioactive Cesium Detected In Tokyo Elementary School (Cesium At 90,600 Bq/Kg)

1,730 Bq/Kg Cesium In Tokyo House Dust! – 6,264 Bq/Kg Cesium In Ibaraki House Dust!

50 More Locations In Tokyo Over Radiation Limit

Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara To Tokyo Residents Who Protest Against Radioactive Disaster Debris From Iwate: ‘SHUT UP’

Insane Japan: Radioactive Debris Burning Begins (Resulting Radioactive Ash And Incombustibles To Be Used As Landfill In Tokyo Bay)

2.22 Microsieverts/Hour In Front Of Junior High School In Tokyo Area (Video – Nov. 3, 2011)

Radiation In Tokyo Bay 15 Times Higher Than Limit Set By Nuclear Safety Commission

Tokyo’s High Radiation Supermarket: It’s Radium Again, Emitting 40 Millisieverts/Hr Radiation

AND NOW: 110 Microsieverts Per Hour Detected At Tokyo Supermarket

U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Alan Thompson Reported 1,500 MICROSIEVERTS Per Hour Thyroid Dose South Of Tokyo On March 20, 2011

Fukushima: More Then 42% of Children Have Thyroid Nodules Or Cysts (German TV Video, Nov 18, 2012):

More than 42% of 57,000 tested children have nodules or cyst, reports Dr. Suzuki who leads the examinations. In Chernobyl they found only 0.1 – 1%.

9 thoughts on “Japan Doctor: ‘Tokyo should no longer be inhabited’ – Everyone here is a victim of Fukushima – People truly suffering – Bleeding under skin, urinary hemorrhaging – Children’s blood tests started changing last year – Time running short …”

  1. So, it took 3.33 years to manifest properly 150 miles away with constant escape and in that time nobody did anything to help the people.

    That is a classic example of why all Government stinks.

    They are only in it for power and self gratification….WORLD WIDE.

    Never to serve the people who vote them in, who are always lied to.

  2. Squodgy: What do you think is happening to people on the west coast? Sardines and shrimp have vanished, salmon is yellow, (when tests are made) radioactive levels in the Pacific are rising steadily………in 3.4 years, much of the Pacific Ocean is dead.

    Our fool corporate “news that isn’t” is covering the presence of dolphins, whales and deep water fish in our bay here in San Francisco. They tell the idiots who watch them to “enjoy the rare sight” without telling them the true cause of why they are here……..they are a third of their normal weight, they are starving to death, and as the ocean dies, the oxygen goes away with it….they are struggling to find oxygen. They are now trapped in our bay. When that dies, so will they.

    Dreadful, prehistoric creatures from the deep are washing ashore to die, fish with teeth, and other horrible appearing creatures we never knew existed. This is truly the end of the world, and we have fools in power who do nothing. They won’t even investigate.

    By the middle of next year, the Pacific will be completely dead. We get 80% of our oxygen from the ocean, not just the fish…..all of us. The Gulf of Mexico is already dead thanks to BP Oil……..we are self destructing, I see no benefit for anyone. The world will go on without us, as it has without 96% of all species that ever lived on it.

    There is a movie that came out in 1959 called “On the Beach”. That is a post nuclear world, where the government hands out pills for people to go home and die safely. Today, the right wing creeps in power would fight something so sensible, unlike 1959, we have total idiots in control.

    Good luck to all.

  3. Morgan Stanley defaulted on a series of high rise buildings in Tokyo in 2012. Looks like our bankers know more than the people………………..

  4. Another terrifying report from Japan, radioactive poisons are far from home………..no surprise. Good people who have used their own equipment here at home have been able to prove that……they just get zero coverage.
    You have been good at that. Have you any updates from the independent folk who have been monitoring it here on the west coast? Thanks!


  5. Thank you. I was not sure, so sent it to you. I think I do recall your posting it……….but I don’t always remember everything. Best to you IU.

  6. I sent a message to good old boy Al Frankenstein of MN. Did not even get a reply. Guess he asked Obama again what to think.

    He is skunk.

  7. To Dad: If they are not sold out to the powers that be, you never hear their names, let alone elect them. They are all sock puppets. Don’t waste your energy. The US is being run into the mud by this gaggle of fools…..they don’t even see what they are fighting…….mindless.


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