Wife Of USS Ronald Reagan Navy Sailor: Our 1-Year-Old Has Brain Cancer And Spinal Cancer Resulting From Fukushima Exposure

Full protection gear, Japanese style, when…

USS Ronald Reagan Radiation Levels On March 13, 2011: 370,000,000 Bq/cm3

–  Wife of Navy Sailor: Our 1-year-old has brain cancer and spinal cancer resulting from Fukushima exposure — Wheelchair-bound Navy Sailor: It’s now affecting my arms and my hands, everything is still progressing (AUDIO) (ENENews, March 19, 2014):

Democracy Now, Mar. 19, 2014:

At 39:00 in

  • Navy Lt. Steve Simmons, USS Ronald Reagan: Now the muscle weakness affects my legs, my arms, my hands — and now everything is still progressing. […]
  • Host: You’re sitting in a wheelchair right now?
  • Simmons: I am.

At 44:30 in

  • Charles Bonner, attorney:  This is a declaration from the wife of the sailor, who writes in here declaration to the court, “My husband was exposed to radiation particles while assigned to the 7th fleet on the USS Ronald Reagan assisting in Operation Tomadachi beginning in March of 2011. As a result of this exposure, our son who was born November 14th 2012, at 8 months was diagnosed with brain and spine cancer.”

Full broadcast available here

See also:

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USS Ronald Reagan Radiation Levels On March 13, 2011: 370,000,000 Bq/cm3

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