Expert: Gov’t officials ‘very possibly’ know Fukushima is a worldwide disaster and just not revealing it – Columnist: ‘They can’t neglect the truth because they fear a panic outbreak … I’m panicking because there isn’t a panic’

These are hard times indeed for people who are still awake, while everybody else is ‘dead’ asleep.

Expert: Gov’t officials ‘very possibly’ know Fukushima is a worldwide disaster and just not revealing it — Columnist: “They can’t neglect the truth because they fear a panic outbreak… I’m panicking because there isn’t a panic” (AUDIO) (ENENews, Feb 27, 2014):

LSU Reveille, Columnist Annette Sommers, Feb. 25, 2014: In a few months, the devastating effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster will officially taint America’s reputation. […] Of course, all this information is just now circulating through the media because it’s finally a time-sensitive threat. Our government can’t ignore it anymore. Since 2011, they have turned a blind eye to the situation, as if hiding under a blanket of stupidity will make the nuclear monster go away. I hate to break it to everyone, but this unwanted monster is here to stay. The public should be demanding answers from Japan and the U.S. government so we can halt the obliviousness before it ruins lives. […] We rely on journalists to distribute unbiased information, but other than the few sources that have shown some concern for the Fukushima plant, media outlets have failed us. Now, it may be too late. […] They can’t neglect the truth because they fear a panic outbreak. There should be a sense of panic among the people. I’m panicking because there isn’t a panic. So now the news-sponsored countdown to our own radiation disaster begins, although it has been in action for the past three years. […]

Coast to Coast AM, Feb. 6, 2014 (at 26:00 in):

  • Host: Do you think, Steve, some people in government probably know that this is a worldwide disaster and they just say nothing because they figure, “You know what? It could be 10, 15, 20 years, people will die of cancer, they’ll never attribute it to this — and we’re not going to shake up the seafood industry, we’re not going to create panic, we’re just going to keep our mouths shut.” Is that possible?
  • Steve Elwart, Professional Engineer, Ph.D., executive research analyst with the Koinonia Institute and a subject matter expert for the Department of Homeland Security: I think that’s very possible. I think that the government is not going to want to upset a short-term economic sector on the possibility of long-term problem.

Full interview available here

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