KITV, Feb. 7, 2014 (Emphasis Added):
KITV: Hawaii lawmakers say they are still hearing from residents who fear some of the radiation [from Fukushima] will end up here in the islands.
Catherine Cruz, reporter: Radiation fears have resurfaced […]
Adrian Chang, retired nuclear engineer: I just want to make sure what we consume is going to be safe.
Cruz: Adrian Chang is a retired pearl harbor nuclear engineer. He turned out to support a bill calling for radiation testing and voiced his concerns before members of a joint health and environment committee. […] testing happens quarterly on Oahu, Kauai and the Big Island.
Jeff Eckard, Indoor and Radiological Health Branch, Department of Health: We have equipment that is so sensitive so we can detect it as miniscule levels that is far, far below any public health concern. But the fact we can detect it throws fear into individuals as you are well aware.
Cruz: The state is also regularly testing our air, rain, milk and drinking water. And says levels of any radiation found in fish have been extremely low. […]
Senator Josh Green: I had a difficult time finding it and the latest update was seven or eight months ago. […]
Eckard: We are still at normal background radiation levels. We are considering posting the results because of the requests we have been getting from the public. So it is something that we are looking into. […]
Cruz: A similar bill introduced in the house was also heard today. The senate committee is to take a vote next week.
25 written testimonies were submitted — 25 support bill, ZERO are opposed. Read the testimonies here (pdf)
About time too!