ABC in Fukushima: Radiation to be at U.S. coast early this year — Expert concerned about effects on food chain from unprecedented amount of migrating radioactivity — They tried to stop leaks, it’s just not working — Tepco: We don’t know what’s gone into ocean (VIDEO)

Related info:

Government Report: Fukushima Ocean Plume Hit Canada 6 Months Ago – ‘Precedes Model Predictions By Several Years’

ABC in Fukushima: Radiation to be at U.S. coast early this year — Expert concerned about effects on food chain from unprecedented amount of migrating radioactivity — They tried to stop leaks, it’s just not working — Tepco: We don’t know what’s gone into ocean (VIDEO) (ENENews, Jan 10, 2014):

ABC News ‘Nightline‘, Jan 9, 2014:

Part I at 8:00 in

Cecilia Vega, ABC News (with “Nightline” producer Nick Capote): Will you ever know how much contaminated water has made its way from this power plant into that ocean?

Kenichiro Matsui, Tepco: It is very difficult to give an accurate number.

Part II at 2:30 in

Vega: A lot of cesium you just found. [Radiation expert Dr. Shinzo Kimura] says it’s just what he suspected. […] [Levels off Fukushima] are still 1,00 times higher than before the meltdown. And the effects of long-term exposure for people and the environment are still unknown.

Ken Buesseler, Senior Scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: We’ve seen Tepco for 2.5 years trying to stop leaks, trying to decontaminate — it’s just not working. […] We’ve never had this much radioactivity released accidently into the ocean. So now the question is: ‘How long will it take to work through to the land — to the ocean from the power plant, into the sea life, and across the Pacific?

Vega: Some of that radiation is predicted to reach American shores early this year; the levels are expected to be very low.

Buesseler: I think the fear of what’s happening outside the local area has been exaggerated. For Americans to worry about swimming on our beaches when I can swim here, I think is overblown.

Vega: What does concern him? How this unprecedented amount of migrating radiation will affect the food chain.

Watch the 2-part broadcast here

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