Top Scientist: It’s Bye-Bye Japan And North America’s West Coast Has To be Evacuated If Reactor No. 4 SFP Goes – ‘Fukushima Is The Most Terrifying Situation I Can Imagine’

It’s more like bye-bye to the entire Northern Hemisphere and even that statement might turn out to be very optimistic:

Fukushima reactor No. 4 “SFP contains something on the order of 400.000 kg of hot plutonium”.

“They say that one microgram of plutonium could theoretically kill a person.”

“There are billion micrograms in a kilogram and there are 400.000 hot kilograms in this pool.”

Do the math.

And if those fuel rods are catching fire … it’s ALL OVER.

Top Scientist: “Fukushima is the most terrifying situation I can imagine” — I’ve seen a paper which says it’s bye-bye Japan and to evacuate N. America’s west coast if Unit 4 goes after quake and rods are exposed (VIDEO) (ENENews, Nov 2, 2013):

David Suzuki is an award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster. […] Dr. Suzuki is a geneticist […] He held a research associateship in the Biology Division of Tennessee’s Oak Ridge National Lab […]

Wikipedia: Suzuki was awarded the Right Livelihood Award in 2009 […] In 2004, David Suzuki was selected as the greatest living Canadian in a CBC poll.

David Suzuki at the University of Alberta, October 30, 2013 (At 2:45 in): Fukushima is the most terrifying situation I can imagine. You ask, what can we do? First of all you have got a government that is in total collusion with Tepco, they’re lying through their teeth. […] The fourth one has been so badly damaged that the fear is if there’s another quake of a 7 or above that that building will go, and then all hell breaks loose. And the probability of a 7 or above quake in the next 3 years is over 95%. […] They don’t know what to do. We need to get a group of international experts to go in with complete freedom to do what they suggest. Right now the Japanese government has too much pride to admit that. I’ve seen a paper which says that if in fact the fourth plant goes under an earthquake and those rods are exposed, it’s bye-bye Japan, and everybody on the West Coast of North America should evacuate. Now if that isn’t terrifying, I don’t know what is.

Suzuki recently published an article down-playing the Fukushima-related risk to consumers of seafood caught off the west coast of North America. He compares ingesting nuclear waste from Fukushima to naturally occurring radiation and exposure from air travel. Other experts in Canada have discussed the risks, including Dr. Erica Frank and Gordon Edwards.

David Suzuki, Oct. 10, 2013: Despite Fukushima, scientists say eating West Coast fish is safe […] Trace amounts of radioisotopes from the Fukushima plant were found [in bluefin tuna off Califonia’s coast], although the best available science puts them at levels below those naturally occurring in the environment around us. Natural, or background radiation, is found in many sources, including food items, medical treatments and air travel. The most comprehensive health assessment, by the World Health Organization, concludes radioactive particles that make their way to North America’s waters will have a limited effect on human health, with concentrations predicted to be below WHO safety levels. […] I’m taking a precautionary approach: fish will stay part of my diet, as long as they’re caught locally and sustainably, and will remain so until new research gives me pause to reconsider.

Watch Suzuki speaking at the University of Alberta here

More on Fukushima reactor No. 4 SFP:

Nuclear Engineer: Why All Of A Sudden The Urgency At Fukushima Plant, What Do They Know? – They’re Obviously Feeling Pressure, Like It’s One Move Away From Checkmate

Celebrated Physician: Fukushima Has Humanity ‘On Brink Of A Possible Worldwide Nuclear Holocaust’ – ‘The World As We Know It Has Changed’ – ‘Effects On Our Health Are Incomprehensible’

Fukushima: While No One Is Watching Humanity Faces The Most Dangerous Situation Ever

‘The Greatest Threat Humanity Has Ever Faced’: Fukushima Reactor No. 4 SFP ‘An Immediate Problem’ – Building Is Sinking, Over 30 Inches In Places:

The leakage of water from these cores is bad enough but the most dangerous thing is the cooling pool of unit 4. Now it is terribly dangerous because the entire hot core of reactor 4 had been removed and put in this cooling pool shortly before the tsunami. So, there was a hot core in this cooling pool the entire superstructure building was blown off in a hydrogen explosion.

The entire area is weakened and there is a great risk of an aftershock. Now this pool contains something on the order of 400.000 kg of hot plutonium. So, the thing that people should be aware of is that TEPCO is going to begin attempting to remove these rods from this pool to some other type of storage. This has never been done with plutonium rods that have been out of a core for such a short period of time.

There is a great danger of a thermonuclear reaction if these rods become exposed to the air and the cooling pool itself is just barely containing the temperature levels of the core as it is.

The media coverage of the situation has been almost non-existent. The public must become engaged and the governments must become engaged because this is a global threat. They say that one microgram of plutonium could theoretically kill a person.

There are billion micrograms in a kilogram and there are 400.000 hot kilograms in this pool. So, if these rods combust, if the set of rods begins a thermonuclear reaction, it will vaporize the water in the pool and the entire pool can become an uncontrolled nuclear reaction open to the air. These particles will be spread through the northern hemisphere.

This is perhaps the greatest threat humanity has ever faced. And I think you would acknowledge there has been far too little attention given to this at this point and the measures that the Japanese government is discussing at this point are not sufficient, I believe. Other governments must become engaged in this.

Fukushima Is Falling Apart: Are You Ready … For A Mass Extinction Event?:

If they are MOX fuel, containing 6% plutonium, one fuel rod has the potential to kill 2.89 billion people. If this pool collapses, as Senator Wyden is now saying too, we would face a mass extinction event from the release of radiation in those rods.

That is, if we aren’t in one already. Nuke experts like Arnie Gundersen and Helen Caldicott are prepared to evacuate their families to the southern hemisphere if that happens. It is that serious.

So now you know, if you didn’t before. We are in big trouble.

Ambassador Murata: Total Number Of Spent Fuel Rods At Fukushima Daiichi Site Excluding The Rods In The Pressure Vessel Is 11,421!!!:

Before the Committee, Ambassador Murata strongly stated that if the crippled building of reactor unit 4 – with 1,535 fuel rods in the spent fuel pool 100 feet (30 meters) above the ground – collapses, not only will it cause a shutdown of all six reactors but will also affect the common spent fuel pool containing 6,375 fuel rods, located some 50 meters from reactor 4.

In both cases the radioactive rods are not protected by a containment vessel. Indeed, they are open to the air, which is quite dangerous.

This would certainly cause a global catastrophe like we have never before experienced.

He stressed that the responsibility of Japan to the rest of the world is immeasurable. Such a catastrophe would affect us all for centuries.

Ambassador Murata informed us that the total number of the spent fuel rods at the Fukushima Daiichi site excluding the rods in the pressure vessel is 11,421 (396+615+566+1,535+994+940+6375).

Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland: ‘FATE Of Japan And The Whole World Depends On No.4 Reactor’

Arnie Gunderson: More Cesium In Reactor 4 SFP Than All Nukes Ever Exploded

Fukushima Reactor No. 4 Meltdown?

Nuclear Expert Arnie Gundersen: Reactor No. 4 Spent Fuel Pool Likely To Shatter Or Collapse Onto Its Side In A Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake (AUDIO)

Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland: ‘FATE Of Japan And The Whole World Depends On No.4 Reactor’

Dr. Helen Caldicott (Co-Founder Of Physicians For Social Responsibility): What We Learned From Fukushima (Video – April 2, 2012):

Dr. Helen Caldicott: If Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 collapses I am evacuating my family from Boston.

Former UN adviser: If No. 4 pool collapses I’ve been told ‘during 50 years continual, you cannot contain’ (VIDEO)

MUST-SEE: Fukushima Totally Out Of Control – Radioactive Fallout In the US – Reactor 4 SFP Is the Highest Risk Now: If The Cooling Water Is Lost It’ll Be Just A Few Hours At Most Before That Waste Is On Fire (RT – The Big Picture – Video)

Independent And Government Experts Say Reactor 4 SFP Is A Grave Concern: 460 Tons Of Nuclear Fuel Could Overheat, Explode and Release Massive Amounts Of Radiation (((Finishing Off Japan)))

Prof. Dr Hiroaki Koide On Asahi TV: If Reactor 4 SFP Cracks And Leaks This Would Be THE END … For A Wide Area Including Tokyo (Video)

Worst Case Scenario: Where To Go When Reactor No. 4 SFP Falls On The Ground?:

‘Dr. Arnie Gundersen warns they need to go further than 450km.’

Whistleblower: ‘Reactor 4 Is Like A Inverse Pyramid, Very Unstable And Dangerous’ – TEPCO Admits It Can’t Stop Reactor 4 Water Leakage

Collapse Of Ractor 4 Spent Fuel Pool Could Cause A Disaster Worse Than The THREE REACTOR MELTDOWNS – Structural Integrity A Major Concern Among Experts (AP)

Fukushima Worker Suspects Explosion At Reactor 4 To Be The Cause Of 8.5 Tons Water Leakage (At 301,750,000 Bq)

Fukushima Worker: Reactor 4 Full Of Nuclear Fuel – ‘If Another Earthquake Hits It, It’s Over’ … ‘Pacific Ocean Side Of Japan And West Side Of America Won’t Be Inhabitable Anymore’

POSSIBLE RED ALERT: Japanese LDP Politician: Hydrogen Explosion May Have Happened At Reactor 4 On Jan. 9, 2012

Fukushima Worker: Reactor 4 Spent Fuel Pool Completely Without Water, Boiled After New Years Earthquake

Fukushima: ‘Reactor No. 4 Is Looking More And More Like The Leaning Tower Of Pisa Right Now’ – If It ‘Falls Over It’s Just Gonna Dump A Whole Reactor Core Right Out Onto The Ground’ (And Tokyo & Yokohama Will Be Lost!) (Video)

Confirmed: Fukushima Reactor No. 4 Is Falling Apart, Wall Was Lost On The South Side (Video, Photos)

TEPCO: Fukushima Reactor No. 4 ‘Air Duct’ Explosion On 4th Floor

Reactor 4 Spent Fuel Pool Is Completely ‘EXPOSED’ – Ambulances Heard At Least 10 Times A Day At Fukushima Nuclear Plant (Video)

Excellent Arnie Gundersen Interview: Leave Tokyo If There Is A Severe Aftershock And The Unit 4 Building Collapses, Now That The Winds Have Turned:

Arnie Gundersen: “… It could have cut Japan in half. But now the winds have turned, so they are heading to the south toward Tokyo and now my concern and my advice to friends that if there is a severe aftershock and the Unit 4 building collapses, leave. We are well beyond where any science has ever gone at that point and nuclear fuel lying on the ground and getting hot is not a condition that anyone has ever analyzed.

1 thought on “Top Scientist: It’s Bye-Bye Japan And North America’s West Coast Has To be Evacuated If Reactor No. 4 SFP Goes – ‘Fukushima Is The Most Terrifying Situation I Can Imagine’”

  1. There was a 5.0 quake that hit there this morning. They are not telling us the truth. The rods have to be moved, and they must not break or touch one another. Until now, all rods were moved by robots. Due to the high temperatures, they need humans to move them, and be careful with the handling of the rods, The spent rods are even more dangerous than the new ones.
    Now, they have this dangerous situation, and are using humans. Do they bring in experts? No. They are bringing in $15.00 an hour truck drivers and people who are deeply in debt to their loan sharks……….people who have no choice.
    This is beyond anything I have ever seen or heard.
    Goodness help us.


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