Alaska Continues Its Record Breaking, Long & Snowy Winter

In other news:

April 2013 Alaska Weather Summary: Precipitation, temperature and snowfall records set in April (SitNews, May 23, 2013)

Alaska Continues Its Record Long, Snowy Winter (Heartlander Magazine, May 20, 2013):

Anchorage, Alaska set a record last week for its longest snow season on record. The city also set a record for its lowest May 17 maximum temperature.

Global warming activists often claim Alaska is among the places most negatively affected by warming temperatures. In his movie, “An Inconvenient Truth,” Al Gore claimed warming temperatures are melting the Alaska tundra and destroying homes and infrastructure. Just last week, the media trumpeted a sensationalist article by Suzanne Goldenberg of the Guardian claiming warming temperatures are poised to create Alaskan climate refugees. The truth is an entirely different story.

Spring 2013 has been remarkably cold and snowy in Alaska. Indeed, cold temperatures and excessively abundant snowfall have dogged the state throughout the past several years.

“Forget global warming, Alaska is headed for an ice age, the Alaska Dispatch reported December 23.

“In the first decade since 2000, the 49th state cooled 2.4 degrees Fahrenheit,” the Dispatch observed.

Not even summer provided a break from Alaska’s ongoing record cold last year.

“After a record-breaking winter, we are now headed for one of the coldest months of July on record. And it has some Alaskans thinking it may be time to leave the great land,” Alaska television station KTVA reported last July16.

“The 90-day period from May 1 to July 29 saw the lowest daily high temperatures on average in Juneau since officials began keeping records in 1943, according to National Weather Service data,” the Juneau Empire reported last July 31.

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