For Everyone Shocked By What Just Happened … And Why Cyprus Is Just The Beginning

For Everyone Shocked By What Just Happened… And Why This Is Just The Beginning (Zerohedge, March 16, 2013)

1 thought on “For Everyone Shocked By What Just Happened … And Why Cyprus Is Just The Beginning”

  1. I am not shocked, I have been expecting it. The study of history can be very depressing sometimes, because this is no different than the last time in 1929. The main difference is the numbers. In 1929, our currency was backed with gold, we were the world’s largest lending nation and an emerging mfg power. Now, it is the opposite, there is nothing behind our money but ink, and the debt level is too high for most people to comprehend. The money is gone, and the sooner people realize that, and throw the bankers into jail, the sooner we can rebuild.


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