– Bush’s third term: U.S. government can order killing of American citizens by secret drone strikes (Natural News, March 4, 2013):
The continued political polarization of the American people is leading the nation straight into tyranny. Less than a decade ago, the so-called political “left” was up in arms over Bush administration policies that permitted “waterboarding” of suspected terrorists, for instance, or unwarranted phone tapping of those perceived to be a “threat” to national security. But today, this same group of political opportunists seems gleefully supportive of Obama administration policies that are far more offensive, including the outrageous declaration recently that targeting and assassinating American citizens with secret drone strikes is perfectly acceptable and legal.
In a telling indictment of just how far we have fallen into despotism as a society, Chicago Tribune reporter John Kass explains in a recent article how the false “left-right” political paradigm is basically the catalyst through which the perpetual trashing of the U.S. Constitution has been able to take place. It is only because “their” man is on the throne, in other words, that hardcore Democrats who once opposed wars and unconstitutional foreign policies are now in seemingly lockstep support of the Obama administration’s flagrant and escalating constitutional abuses.
“He can (now) assassinate American citizens abroad without fair trial if they’re suspected terrorists,” explains Kass about the recent unveiling of the true tenets of the formerly-mysterious Obama Doctrine. “His weapon of choice? Drone strikes from the air. Drones are politically antiseptic weapons of death, almost like a video game, except that real blood and tissue is blown against the walls. And it’s all being done in secret.”
Illegal drone strikes: Bush’s third term
Kass also goes on to confront the treasonous double standard by which many members of the U.S. Congress are handling the situation, as they refuse to hold the occupying administration responsible for adding yet another layer to the military-industrial dictatorship that increasingly threatens us all. As stated plainly by Kass in his article, the Obama White House has now put it into writing that anyone even suspected of being a terrorist threat, whatever that even means, can be murdered by a secret drone strike without warrant, trial, or any other form of due process.
Such mindless support of evil policies such as this is not unique to the left, of course, as the right has been programmed to do the exact same thing. Many of those who are now rightly calling out the Obama administration for far overstepping its constitutional bounds were all but silent when the Bush administration foisted the Patriot Act on the American public. This massive surveillance and spying initiative, which is responsible for creating the illegal federal government security force we now know as the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), was merely a precursor to the more extreme initiatives that are now being enacted by the Obama administration.
Besides the fact that Obama has fully embraced, and even taken to the next level, many Bush administration policies he opposed while on the campaign trail, many of his supporters do not even seem to notice this monumental hypocrisy. And if a Republican were president, the same would be true of the right’s response, as the blinders of American zombie-ism work quite well depending on who currently occupies the White House.
Why is this important? Because this “divide and conquer” approach is how evil is advanced, and how tyrants achieve their ultimate goals. It has been utilized over and over again throughout history because it dulls rational thought and turns populations into masses of mindless followers. And slowly, incrementally, like a frog boiling in a pot of water, freedoms are eliminated, liberty is stamped out, and the people become enslaved.
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