Greenpeace Exposed: ‘Why Does Green­peace Do NOTHING About Depleted Ura­nium, HAARP And Chem­trails?’

Press statement in English, Italian, French and Greek: HERE

In German: Here

Press release from 7.10.2011– Concerned citizens demand action from Greenpeace (, Werner Altnickel):

Press release from 7.10.2011
Con­cer­ned citi­zens demand action from Greenpeace

With a 16 square-metre ban­ner with the inscrip­tion “Why does Green­peace do not­hing about ura­nium muni­ti­ons and bombs, HAARP, chem­trails? – A Call for Action” (see pho­to­graph) and pla­cards with other slo­gans, the long-term chem­trails activist Wer­ner Alt­ni­ckel, toge­ther with con­cer­ned fel­low activists from the citi­zens’ initia­tive “Sau­be­rer Him­mel” (clean sky) (, demons­tra­ted in front of Greenpeace’s head­quar­ters in Ham­burg, deman­ding action from Greenpeace.

Greenpeace’s ear­lier slo­gan in Ger­man “Taten statt War­ten” (action instead of wait­ing) seems in the case of these sub­jects to have muta­ted into “wait­ing instead of action”. Green­peace has with­drawn to pas­sive posi­ti­ons, trus­ting blindly in state and pri­vate insti­tu­ti­ons and doing no rela­ted rese­arch its­elf. The “air mea­su­re­ment bus” has been sold, for example. Why? Is air pollu­tion a thing of the past? Or is the pro­blem that one might be embar­ras­sed to find some­thing in the air other than, say, die­sel exhaust?

Wer­ner Alt­ni­ckel also argues that the “Peace” in Greenpeace’s title years ago lost its justi­fi­ca­tion and should be remo­ved from the name, as Green­peace for a long time has taken no action against the wars star­ted by NATO, e.g. in Afgha­nis­tan, Iraq and now Libya. Hund­reds of thousands of civi­lian vic­tims and huge areas of ruined land seem to play no role any more for Green­peace. From Green­peace, the action group working with Wer­ner Alt­ni­ckel demands inde­pen­dent rese­arch and taboo-free invol­ve­ment on the fol­lo­wing subjects:

Ura­nium munitions

It is totally incom­pre­hen­si­ble that Green­peace should have remai­ned silent about the long-term geno­ci­dal app­li­ca­tion of (so far) more than 2,500 tons of ura­nium muni­ti­ons) appro­xi­mately one mil­li­ons pro­jec­tiles by US and NATO tro­ops. The micro­sco­pic ura­nium nano­dust leads to a mul­ti­tude of other ill­nes­ses from lung can­cer to birth defects in the child­ren of the popu­la­ti­ons under attack, as it con­ti­nues to radiate for hund­reds of thousands of years. (See the film: “Deadly Dust” by Frie­der Wag­ner). Accor­ding to a Bri­tish study, says the Sun­day Times of 19.2.2006, a pro­por­tion of this ura­nium dust is spread far and wide by storms, even­tually reaching Great Bri­tain. But Green­peace is ter­mi­na­ting its “Atom-free Seas” cam­paign. Cri­ti­que of the mili­tary seems to have become abso­lu­tely taboo for Greenpeace.


Ano­ther taboo sub­ject for Green­peace are elec­tro­ma­gne­tic wea­pons sys­tems such as, for example, the US HAARP trans­mit­ting faci­li­ties in Gakona (Alaska) on which the EU Par­lia­ment as early as 1999 pro­po­sed a ban, unfor­t­u­na­tely to no effect. The EU docu­ment calls HAARP “a wea­pons sys­tem which dis­rupts the cli­mate”, for example by mani­pu­la­ting glo­bal wea­t­her pat­terns. It cha­rac­te­ri­zes as unac­cep­ta­ble “mani­pu­la­tion of glo­bal wea­t­her pat­terns and pun­ching of holes in the iono­s­phere, in vio­la­tion of the Arc­tic Treaty”. The Euro­pean Par­lia­ment also cri­ti­ci­zed the “deve­lop­ment of wea­pons for the mani­pu­la­tion of the human brain”, cal­ling for them to be ban­ned. As early as 1994 the Inter­na­tio­nal Red Cross was warning of the poten­tial dan­ger to human health of the HAARP faci­lity and of its capa­city to influ­ence human men­tal functioning.

In April 1997 the then US Defense Secretary Wil­liam Cohen in a speech at an anti-terrorism con­fe­rence in Geor­gia said, among other things: “others are enga­ging even in an eco-type of ter­ro­rism whe­reby they can alter the cli­mate, set off earth­quakes, volca­noes remo­tely through the use of elec­tro­ma­gne­tic waves.”

The cele­bra­ted alter­na­tive Nobel-Prize-winning sci­en­tist Dr. Rosa­lie Ber­tell in her book “Pla­net Earth – The Latest Wea­pon of War” named all the geo­phy­si­cal wea­pons sys­tems and the tests that had at that time taken place. She said: “Elec­tro­ma­gne­tic wea­pons have the capa­city to induce effects such as earth­quakes over inter­con­ti­nen­tal dis­tan­ces at tar­gets of their choice any­where on earth, with a power equal to that of large ato­mic explo­si­ons.” She con­fir­med that US mili­tary sci­en­tists are working on wea­t­her sys­tems as a poten­tial wea­pon. “The methods include the inten­si­fi­ca­tion of storms and the diver­sion of vapour streams in the earth’s atmo­s­phere in order to pro­duce tar­ge­ted droughts or floods.” She takes a posi­tion vehe­mently against the con­duc­ting of environ­men­tal war­fare, exp­li­citly iden­ti­fy­ing pro­duc­tion of earth­quakes as a wea­pon of war in prac­tical application.

In 2005 the India Daily wrote that several other sta­tes pos­sess simi­lar instal­la­ti­ons for tec­to­nic and wea­t­her war­fare and more and more sta­tes are under­ta­king detec­tion of the mani­pu­la­ti­ons and devi­sing counter-measures.

Chem­trails / Geo-Engineering

The scat­te­ring of poly­mers and metal­lic or sulp­hate par­ti­cles from pla­nes over wide areas of the earth’s sur­face is also play­ing an import­ant role in glo­bal wea­t­her mani­pu­la­tion, which is offi­ci­ally descri­bed as “geo­en­gi­nee­ring”. The Inter­go­vern­men­tal Panel on Cli­mate Change, the planet’s “wea­t­her coun­cil” as early as 2001 favou­red the dis­tri­bu­tion of metal­lic par­ti­cles to reflect back into space the rays of the sun; albeit with the side-effect of pro­du­cing a “white sky” (IPCC 2001-S.333–334).

Defen­ding the atmo­s­phere in the US Con­gress in 2001, several-times would-be pre­si­den­tial can­di­date for the US Demo­crats Den­nis Kuci­nich cited the Space Pre­ser­va­tion Act, men­tio­ning chem­trails, tec­to­nic wea­pons sys­tems and mind control.

On 12.01.2011 the for­mer head of the FBI in Los Ange­les Ted Gun­der­son took a posi­tion on chem­trails, say­ing among other things: “The death dumps, other­wise known as che­mi­cal trails, are being drop­ped and sprayed throug­hout the United Sta­tes and Eng­land, Scot­land, Ire­land, and Nort­hern Europe. I have per­so­nally seen them not only in the United Sta­tes, but in Mexico and in Canada. Birds are dying around the world. Fish are dying by the hund­reds of thousands around the world. This is geno­cide. This is poi­son. This is mur­der by the United Nati­ons. This ele­ment wit­hin our society that is doing this must be stop­ped. I hap­pen to know of two of the loca­ti­ons where the air­planes are that dump this crap on us.

Four of the pla­nes are out of the Air Natio­nal Guard in Lin­coln, Nebraska. And, the other pla­nes are out of Fort Sill, Okla­homa. I per­so­nally have obser­ved the pla­nes that were stan­ding still in Nebraska – Lin­coln, Nebraska – at the Air Natio­nal Guard. They have no mar­kings on them. They are huge, bomber-like air­planes with no mar­kings. This is a crime: a crime against huma­nity, a crime against Ame­rica, a crime against the citi­zens of this great coun­try. The must be stop­ped. WHAT IS WRONG WITH CONGRESS? This has an effect on their popu­la­tion, and their people, and their fri­ends, and their rela­ti­ves, and them­sel­ves. What’s wrong with them? What’s wrong with the pilots who are fly­ing these air­planes and dum­ping this crap, this poi­son, on their own fami­lies? Some­body has to do some­thing about it. Some­body in Con­gress has to step for­ward and stop it now. Thank you. I’m Ted Gunderson.”

The above­men­tio­ned alter­na­tive Nobel Prize win­ner Dr. Rosa­lie Ber­tell on 3rd May 2005 said: “I think that chem­trails are also a vehi­cle for other forms of bio­lo­gi­cal and che­mi­cal warfare.”

Green­peace wants to know not­hing about all this:
When Wer­ner Alt­ni­ckel pre­sen­ted the sub­jects of “chem­trails” and “HAARP” to Green­peace, sub­mit­ting nume­rous docu­ments for fur­ther rese­arch, he was told in 2005 that “these mat­ters are not com­pa­ti­ble with the objec­tives of Greenpeace.”

It is beyond com­pre­hen­sion that a world-wide environ­men­tal orga­niza­tion such as Green­peace should remain silent about all these sub­jects, which rep­re­sent a mas­sive threat not only to human beings but to the planet’s living environ­ment in toto.

Wer­ner Alt­ni­ckel has reams of mate­rial in his pos­ses­sion on these sub­jects, and could pro­vide even more.

Action– fotos + videos on

Olden­burg, 07.10.2011
Wer­ner Alt­ni­ckel
Wilh. Kempinstr.55
26133 Olden­burg
T: 0441–46703
[email protected]

More information on depleted uranium, HAARP and chemtrails:

Depleted uranium (even enriched uranium!):

Fukushima: Radiation, Politics And Public Relations – Part I (Veterans Today)

Fukushima: Radiation, Politics and Public Relations – Part II (Veterans Today)

Former Head Of Pentagon’s Depleted Uranium Project Dr. Doug Rokke On Depleted Uranium (Video) (MUST-See!)

Rosalie Bertell, PhD: Effects Of Depleted Uranium Inside The Human Body (Video)

Scientist Leuren Moret: Intentional Collapse And Takedown Of The USA – Depleted Uranium (Video)

Fukushima Radiation Cover-Up Continues – Here’s How To Protect Yourself

Kids Of ‘The Iraqi Hiroshima’

Interview With Prof. Dr. Busby And Leuren Moret – Fallujah, Fukushima And The Global Radiation Catastrophe … Exposing Worldwide Depopulation And Genocide

Interview With Prof. Dr. Busby And Leuren Moret – Fallujah, Fukushima And The Global Radiation Catastrophe … And The Fascist New World Order

Prof. Dr. Chris Busby On Depleted & Enriched Uranium Weapons Use, Internal Emitters And Fukushima Radiation (Video)

New (Enriched Uranium – Neutron) Bombs And War Crimes In Fallujah By Jim Fetzer, Leuren Moret, And Christopher Busby (Veterans Today, Nov. 3, 2011)

Armed Forces Minister SORRY For Misleading MPs Over Depleted Uranium

The Doctor, The Depleted Uranium, And The Dying Children – US War Crimes Exposed (Documentary)

New (Enriched Uranium – Neutron) Bombs And War Crimes In Fallujah By Jim Fetzer, Leuren Moret, And Christopher Busby (Veterans Today, Nov. 3, 2011)

Prof. Chris Busby On RT: US Used ENRICHED URANIUM WEAPONS On Iraq (Video)

US War Crimes In Iraq, Using Depleted Uranium – Prof. Chris Busby: Fallujah DNA Damages Much, Much Worse Than Hiroshima

Iraq: Fallujah Doctors Report Dramatic Rise In Birth Defects (BBC News)

What Depleted Uranium Does to Children in Iraq: Japanese Journalist

Depleted Uranium Shells Worse Than Nuclear Weapons:

Inhaled or ingested DU particles are highly toxic, and DU has been classified as an illegal weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.

“More than ten times the amount of radiation released during atmospheric testing [of nuclear bombs] has been released from DU weaponry since 1991,” said Leuren Moret, a U.S. nuclear scientist.

“The genetic future of the Iraqi people, for the most part, is destroyed. The environment now is completely radioactive.”

“Because DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the Middle East will, for all practical purposes, be radioactive forever.”


Scientific Paper On HAARP: ‘High-Power ELF Radiation Generated By Modulated HF Heating Of The Ionosphere Can Cause Earthquakes, Cyclones And Localized Heating’

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: ‘HAARP’ (Full Episode)


Former FBI Chief On Chemtrails: Genocide All Over The World (Video)

Study: ‘Sunshade’ (= CHEMTRAILS) To Fight Climate Change Costed At $5 Billion A Year (Reuters)

Global Geoengineering Programs: ‘Why In The World Are They Spraying?’ (Full Length Documentary HD)

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum And Neurodegenerative And Neurodevelopmental Effects

Obama’s Science Adviser John Holdren Says CHEMTRAILS (= ‘Death Dumps’) Will Save The Planet!

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson: Chemtrail ‘Death Dumps’ Must Be Stopped! – ‘This Is Genocide … This Is Murder By The United Nations!’

G. Edward Griffin On CHEMTRAIL Death Dumps: ‘The Greatest Crime Of All History, Crime Against Humanity’

Leuren Moret: US Space Shuttle Covert Mission Was Chemtrails In Space For HAARP

Red Level Alert America: THEY WANT US DEAD!

Independent Scienctist Leuren Moret: New World Order – Depopulation Agenda – Genocide (Video)

Ecology Movement In Novi Sad, Serbia Calls For End Of Chemtrail And GMO Genocide

US: Secret Presidential Chemtrail Budget Uncovered, Congress Exceeds Billions To Spray The People Like Roaches

Dr. Rima E. Laibow: The Globalist Depopulation Agenda

Former CIA And ‘Project Clover Leaf’ Insider A. C. Griffiths On The Purpose Of Chemtrails

The New World Order Poisoning Your Rain Water:

The rain water was tested by government labs:

Aluminum (780 times over the save level.)

Arsenic (593 times over the save level.)

Manganese (4000 times over the save level.)

Barium (300 times over the save level.)

Zinc (8000 times over the save level.)

Iron (2000 times over the save level.)

Boron (4000 times over the save level.)

German Scientist Exposes Chemtrails As Military Operations

5 thoughts on “Greenpeace Exposed: ‘Why Does Green­peace Do NOTHING About Depleted Ura­nium, HAARP And Chem­trails?’”

  1. Many years ago, campaigners against basing U.S. Cruise Missiles in dictator & peado apologist Thatcher’s UK, lost their ‘balls’ as they were firstly subjected to microwave beams (which eventually caused many cancers in later years), but also infiltrators watering down and finally demolishing the movement by cleverly dismantling the protests from within.

    The success of the latter technique resulted in further efforts to weaken activist movements considered a danger to military, political & commercial interests, like Friends of the Earth & Greenpeace, both of whom are reduced by devious means to mere shadows of their former selves.

    Anyone these days considering group activism, must firstly set up traps to filter Secret Service infiltrators, and ensure purity of purpose. A very difficult task. Trust is a thing of the past.Divide & conquer, will be applied at all levels, just as it has proved using dumb muslims to be set up as patsies for jew organised terrorist events like Paris, London & 911.

  2. Cause greenpeace is fake as fuck.. they pretend to be this fake as fuck like anonymous to make us believe that there are really huge organisations fighting against the corrupt government… The government is alwas a step further than us.


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