– 186 Bq/Kg From Tap Water In Kashiwa (Fukushima Diary, May April 7, 2012):
A Japanese magazine reported they measured 186 Bq/kg from tap water in Kashiwa.
186 Bq/kg from tap water in Kashiwa Chiba (3/14/2012)
147 Bq/kg from tap water in Kashiwa Chiba (3/24/2012)
62 Bq/kg from tap water in Tokyo (3/14/2012)
31 Bq/kg from tap water after filtering in Tokyo (3/14/2012)
They used the dosemeter named JG22N. JG22N picks up beta ray and converted it into the energy of cesium 137.
It therefore might have picked up strontium, iodine, and tritium and converted it all to cesium 137.
Tritium has almost never been measured from tap water or rain though it acts exactly like water.
186 Bq/kg ????? (3/14/2012)
147 Bq/kg ????? (3/24/2012)
62 Bq/kg ?????? (3/14/2012)
31 Bq/kg ?????? (3/14/2012)