– Biderman Makes Friends: “Bankers Are As Dumb As Politicians” (ZeroHedge, May 2, 2012):
In his usual quiet manner, TrimTabs CEO Charles Biderman unloads his emotional baggage along with USAWatchdog’s Greg Hunter in this 15-minute interview. The sad truth is that, just like his alter-ego Lewis Black, Biderman is right – again and again. Whether it is reflecting on the kick-the-can mentality of polticians or US investor’s apparent willingness to accept the pulling-the-printing-press-over-our-eyes-behavior, or the fact that Europe can only get worse and how that will spread contagiously to the rest of the world (directly via trade or indirectly via risk-aversion), his focus on the facts (especially with regard to the real state of the US economy as he describes it) makes it hard to disagree for even the most vehement long-only manager (is it any wonder we don’t see him on CNBC that much anymore?). Biderman and Hunter discuss the signs of growing inflation, the need to get rid of the deadwood bankers, Europe’s imminent demise, central banks’ ‘funny money’ creation, and the need for Gold and TIPs in any portfolio, Charles is at his best as he makes friends (except with the bankers and politicians that he scoffs at) and hopefully influences people.