Radioactive Whales Caught Far From Fukushima

Radioactive cesium detected from 2 whales+ (AP, June 14, 2011):

KUSHIRO, Japan, June 14 (AP) – (Kyodo)—Radioactive cesium was detected from two minke whales caught off the coast of Kushiro, Hokkaido, in Japan’s so-called research whaling, a whalers’ association said Tuesday.

While the level of the radioactive material remained below the temporarily set upper limit, the association officials said during a press conference in Kushiro that the contamination must have been caused by the continuing nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant and that they will closely monitor future developments.

During the research whaling that started in late April, 17 whales were caught, and researchers examined six of them. Of the six, two were found tainted with 31 becquerels and 24.3 becquerels of cesium per kilogram of whale meat, they said.

The upper limit tentatively stands at 500 becquerels per kilogram.

1 thought on “Radioactive Whales Caught Far From Fukushima”

  1. This is just the beginning. If they cannot stop the leaking on land, sea and air, it will get much worse. This disaster is likely to change our entire way of living. What I find amazing is the denial. Even people who are aware of what is going on are not able to accept this is a game changer for all. I sent your TEPCO night vision shot to a friend. His response was that it was “close to the ground” therefore would not go far into the air??? We both live in CA, so we have more to deny, I guess.

    Good article, thanks for staying on the story.
    Marilyn Gjerdrum


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