Plutonium Found Outside Fukushima Nuclear Plant

#Fukushima I Nuke Accident: Plutonium Found Outside the Plant (EX-SKF, June 5, 2011):

Actually, the sample was taken on April 21 but only now the researcher is disclosing it.

So, the US NRC’s report in late March that the bits of spent fuel rods were found 1 mile (1.6 kilometer) from the plant was right.

From NHK World (6/5/2011):

Minute amounts of plutonium have been detected for the first time in soil outside the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Shinzo Kimura of Hokkaido University collected the roadside samples in Okumamachi, some 1.7 kilometers west of the front gate of the power station. They were taken during filming by NHK on April 21st, one day before the area was designated as an exclusion zone.

Professor Masayoshi Yamamoto and researchers at a Kanazawa University laboratory analyzed the samples and found minute amounts of 3 kinds of plutonium.

The samples of plutonium-239 and 240 make up a total of 0.078 becquerels per kilogram.

This is close to the amount produced by past atomic bomb tests.

But the 3 substances are most likely to have come from the plant blasts, as their density ratio is different from those detected in the past.

Professor Yamamoto said the quantities are so minute that people’s health will not be harmed.

But he recommended that the contamination near the plant should be fully investigated, saying that a study may shed light on how radioactive materials spread in the air.

Sunday, June 05, 2011 23:21 +0900 (JST)

This time, I found no egregious mistranslation from NHK World.

More on Plutonium:

Nuclear Physicist: Most Of The Fallout From Dirty Plutonium MOX Fuel Will Drop On The US, Unless Very Strong Winds Take It Somewhere Else

VERY HIGH CONCENTRATIONS Of PLUTONIUM Detected By Food Manufacturers In Rice Field More Than 50 Km From Fukushima

NEW Video Shows NO Spent Fuel Pool Left At (MOX) Reactor No. 3 At Fukushima (05/08/2011)

Fukushima Reactor No. 3 Explosion Blew PLUTONIUM and URANIUM All Over The Place – Deadly MSM Silence

VERY HIGH CONCENTRATIONS Of PLUTONIUM Detected By Food Manufacturers In Rice Field More Than 50 Km From Fukushima

Top Japan Nuclear Technology Institute Senior Advisor: ‘Fuel Rods Completely Melted, May Already Escaped Pressure Vessel’, ‘Water [Inside Pressure Vessel] Is Highly Contaminated With Uranium, Plutonium, Cesium, Cobalt, In The Concentration We’ve Never Seen Before’

Chief Nuclear Engineer Arnie Gundersen: Americium Found In New England, Uranium Found In Hawaii and West Coast – Postulates Unit 3 Explosion May Have Been Prompt Criticality in Fuel Pool

Dr. Chris Busby: Fukushima (MOX) Reactor No. 3 Blast Was A Nuclear Explosion – Can’t Seal A Fissioning Reactor – Crisis Will Not Be Over Within 9 Months – Uranium And Plutonium Detected In Hawaii

Fukushima: High Resolution Photos Prove (MOX) Reactor No. 3 Core And Spent Fuel Pool Exploded!!!

Radioactive Plutonium And Strontium From Fukushima Bombarding US West Coast Since March 18th (EPA RADnet Reports)

Dr. Helen Caldicott On The Japan Nuclear Disaster – The Truth MSM Won’t Tell You! (Video)

We Can’t Compare Chernobyl to Fukushima: Fukushima Didn’t Explode, But At Fukushima There Are Thousands of Tons of Plutonium!

Are There Safe Levels of Radiation? How Much Radiation Is Safe?

Media Cover-Up: Radiation Detection in California With Full-Body Suits And Face Masks

Japan Nuclear Meltdown: ‘Fukushima Plutonium Leak Comparable To Chernobyl Disaster’ (RT)

And this one really is …

Unbelievable: TEPCO: Plutonium Found On 5 Locations Around Fukushima Plant A Week Ago (But The Deadliest Substance On The Planet ‘Poses No Human Health Risk’!)

On Plutonium:

Dr. Helen Caldicott (Co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility):

You’ve bought the propaganda from the nuclear industry. They say it’s low-level radiation. That’s absolute rubbish. If you inhale a millionth of a gram of plutonium, the surrounding cells receive a very, very high dose. Most die within that area, because it’s an alpha emitter. The cells on the periphery remain viable. They mutate, and the regulatory genes are damaged. Years later, that person develops cancer. Now, that’s true for radioactive iodine, that goes to the thyroid; cesium-137, that goes to the brain and muscles; strontium-90 goes to bone, causing bone cancer and leukemia. It’s imperative that you understand internal emitters and radiation, and it’s not low level to the cells that are exposed. Radiobiology is imperative to understand these days.”

– Dr. Rima Laibow:

“Plutonium is the deadliest substance on the planet since 1 molecule of Plutonium in your body guarantees the development of cancer, according to radiation medicine experts.”

When will it end? NEVER (with the current approach)!!!

TEPCO’s ‘Cold Shutdown’ Lie And What They ‘Forgot’ To Tell You About Fukushima:

Cold shutdown” means the reactor cores – and the used fuel pools – decrease in temperature through 100 degrees C and continue to go down after a couple of days without additional cooling. If that doesn’t happen within 48 hours, it isn’t going to. E-V-E-R. The reactors are still ‘in service’ – which means the fuel is still reacting. It hasn’t happened at Fukushima and it never will.

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