3 thoughts on “A Scary Side Effect of Eating GMO Foods”

  1. Reading the Bayer $750 rice lawsuit by La. Mo., Ark, Miss and Tx.
    Monsanto was dealing in Liberty Link rice, not yet approved for human consumption. I believe the research started at LSU and aDenny Deshotels , a La. rice farmer was awarded 500,000 in July of 2010 by judge in St. Louis. What went wrong that wiped out 30% of rice crop,causing rice feattures to plunge, Japan and Europe banned import of U.S. rice? What are the dangers of GM rice?
    Is MOnsanto trying to monoplize the market in seeds? Why are alot of farmers suing Monsanto or Bayer? Again, dangers of GM grains…thanks in advance.
    I live near LSU…..Obie Watts 4032 Harris Ave. Addis, La. 70710

  2. I was reading that Bayer was fined $750 million in July of 2010/or ’11 in St. Louis, Mo. Five states were in lawsuit: La., Mo,, Ark., Tx. and Mississippi. Monsanto was dealing/experimenting with a Liberty Link rice, not yet approved for human consumption…I believe the research was being conducted at LSU. In fact, a La. farmer, one Denny Deshotels, was awarded some $500,000. What went wrong that wiped out some 30% of the US rice crop—Causing rice futures to plunge, and Japan and Europe banned import of US rice 2006-2010? What are the angers of GM rice? Is Mondanto trying to monoplize the GM seed market? Why are so many farmers suing Monsanto or Bayer? again, dangers of GM grains. ***I live near LSU and am trying to figure out what happened and why……..Obie Watts ( former teacher principal…retired) 4032 Harris Ave.Addis, La. 70710…Thanks in advance…( I am planning on interviewing LSU professor if I can locate one dealing with LSU reasearch and Monsanto)


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