Overall, the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant remains very serious.
White “smoke” continues to be emitted from Unit 2 and Unit 3
In Unit 1, the indicated temperature at the feedwater nozzle of the reactor pressure vessel is 142 °C and at the bottom of reactor pressure vessel is 106 °C.
In Unit 2 the indicated temperature at the feedwater nozzle of the reactor pressure vessel is 118 °C. The reactor pressure vessel and the dry well remain at atmospheric pressure. On 28 April an amount of 43 tonnes of fresh water was injected into the spent fuel pool using the spent fuel pool clean-up system.
In Unit 3 the indicated temperature at the feed water nozzle of the reactor pressure vessel is 99 °C and at the bottom of the reactor pressure vessel is 124 °C. The reactor pressure vessel and the dry well remain at atmospheric pressure.
BRUSSELS – Belgium’s radiation safety regulator has discovered radiation levels surpassing European Union limits on a shipping container from Japan, the agency said on Wednesday.
The agency is decontaminating the container after it found radiation from Cesium-137 being emitted at a level of 0.5 microsieverts per hour in two rust spots.
This exceeds a limit of 0.2 microsieverts per hour suggested by European officials.
May 04 (NaturalNews) On Wednesday, April 27, the Obama administration’s US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and US Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) jointly released a new draft guidance for the federal Clean Water Act that aims to dramatically expand both the scope of what constitutes a “water source,” as well as the legal power federal agencies can exert over those water sources.
If enacted, the proposal will basically allow the EPA and ACE to control any stream, pond, or even puddle that they determine “has a physical, chemical or biological connection” to any larger body of water, which includes even privately-owned water sources.
One of the biggest impacts of the guidance will be to reverse previous Supreme Court decisions that have established the proper constitutional limits on the scope of federal government regulatory authority over not only water, but other natural resources.
By undoing these decisions, the EPA and ACE will essentially be giving themselves a free pass to arbitrarily develop and establish their own rules, and they will be able to do so without proper congressional approval.
“Under this new guidance, a bureaucrat at the EPA will be able to dictate radical new rules,” said US Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ). “This is just another example of the Environmental Protection Agency’s attempt to circumvent Congress and develop rules and regulations that far exceed the authority granted to the agency under existing public law.”
FDA approved Big Pharma drugs without effectiveness data
(NaturalNews) Consumers constantly are told how complicated it is to get a new drug on the market. After all, researchers have to jump through all sorts of hoops to assure safety before new therapies are approved for the public, right?
It turns out they may be missing some of those hoops or not jumping through some of the most important ones.
In fact, huge red flags are being raised about how drugs are tested and approved in two new studies, including one just published in the May 4th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
A case in point: it turns out that only about half of the new prescription medications pushed onto the market over the last decade had the proper data together for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration – yet the FDA approved them anyhow.
(CNN) — An engorged Mississippi River spilled out onto huge swaths of farmland in the South and Midwest on Wednesday, prompting massive flooding from Minnesota to Louisiana.
Heavy rains spawned flooding that meteorologists say is not expected to fully relent until early June. Areas along the Ohio River Basin also experienced heavy flooding, forcing residents to evacuate low-lying areas across the region.
Earlier, the intentional breach of a levee on the Mississippi helped to ease unprecedented flood pressure on other areas, according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The Ohio level had dropped about 1.7 feet at Cairo, Illinois, since Monday afternoon, before the blast, but that is expected to level off later on Wednesday.
The breach, created when engineers detonated explosives late Monday night at Birds Point, Missouri, is sending 396,000 cubic feet of water per second onto 200 square miles of fertile Missouri farmland.
The water is coursing across a floodway that Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon described as “literally the most productive part of our continent.”
Farmer Bryan Feezor said the sight makes you “sick to your stomach” as he surveyed his submerged fields.
“Farming is all I ever have done … and it’s underwater,” he told CNN St. Louis affiliate KPLR. “I really don’t know (what I’m going to do).”
A second levee blast was conducted Tuesday afternoon at New Madrid, Missouri, and a third is planned Wednesday near Hickman, Kentucky. The second and third blasts, downstream of Birds Point, will allow floodwater to return to the Mississippi River.
May 03 — Today SNAP released the most recent food stamp numbers. Not surprisingly, we just saw another all time high 44.2 million poverty-level Americans relying on government funding for day to day sustenance. Granted the number appears to be plateauing, so all those who bought the change if not the ho[y]pe, can rejoice as it may start declining next month: a development that is sure to be herald for Obama a 4th Putin-esque term. That said, another number that has to be kept in perspective and for which we have to thank none other than Pauly-K is that offsetting these 44.2 million of impoverished Americans who can get a tax refund for writing off the American dream, are 400 Americans who accounted for 10%, or $91 billion of total, in capital gains taxes, or said otherwise, 400 US taxpayers account for 10% of all capital gains in 2007! We are currently going through old issues of Pravda to see if the Communist empire ever achieved this kind of social disparity between the nomenklatura and the proletariat (it didn’t). If we find confirmation we will post it, and lose a sizable bet which will certainly deny us any possibility of every being among the above mentioned 400.
On May 2, Ministry of Education and Science announced the cumulative radiation levels at 6 locations 29 to 33 kilometers from TEPCO’s Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant.
The cumulative radiation level from March 23 to May 1 in Akogi in Namie-machi, Fukushima Prefecture, 31 kilometers northwest of the plant, was 24,140 micro-sieverts, or 24.14 milli-sieverts.
Note the number is not counting the radiation from March 11 to March 22, when the release of radioactive materials from the reactors was the worst. The government DOES HAVE THE DATA that could be used to estimate the radiation levels in many places in Japan during that initial period.
“Protecting America’s creditworthiness and our economic leadership position in the world is a duty to our country that is shared by policymakers in both parties, in the Legislative Branch as well as the Executive Branch. Therefore any attempt by either party to use the full faith and credit of the United States as a bargaining chip to advance partisan policy agendas would be irresponsible.” – Timothy Geithner
Those criminals (Republicans and Democrats alike) are intentionally bankrupting America. They are spending America into oblivion.
And yes, they know exactly what they are doing:
‘Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren,” Obama said in a 2006 floor speech that preceded a Senate vote to extend the debt limit. “America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.’ – Barack Obama
And even Bush’s record budget deficit of $482 billion pales if you compare it to Obama’s projected deficit:
The administration is projecting that the deficit will hit an all-time high of $1.65 trillion this year.
Elite puppet President Obama is 3,42 times worse than even elite puppet President Bush and Obama correctly stated that under Bush “America had a debt problem and a failure of leadership.’
What does this say about Obama?
Secretary Geithner Sends Debt Limit Letter to Congress
Today, as Members return from recess, Secretary Geithner sent the following letter to Congress regarding the debt limit, which we estimate will be reached on May 16. He also details the extraordinary measures that Treasury will begin implementing this week in advance of that deadline (download the signed letter here). For more information on the State & Local Government Series (SLGS) referenced in the letter, read these FAQs. And get the facts about the debt limit, including previous letters from the Secretary and other information here.
May 2, 2011
The Honorable John A. Boehner
Speaker of the House
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Mr. Speaker:
Further to my letters of January 6 and April 4, 2011, I am writing again to Members of Congress regarding the importance of protecting America’s creditworthiness by enacting an increase in the statutory debt limit. This letter is to inform you of the extraordinary measures the Treasury Department will begin taking this week in anticipation of the date the debt limit will be reached, and to provide an updated estimate of the Department’s ability to use these measures to preserve lawful borrowing authority without exceeding the debt limit. In my last letter, I described in detail the set of extraordinary measures Treasury is prepared to take in order to extend temporarily our ability to meet the Nation’s obligations if an increase is not enacted by May 16, when we estimate the limit will be reached. Because it appears that Congress will not act by May 16, it will be necessary for the Treasury to begin implementing these extraordinary measures this week.
On Friday, May 6, Treasury will suspend until further notice the issuance of State and Local Government Series (SLGS) Treasury securities. SLGS are special-purpose Treasury securities issued to states and municipalities to help them conform to tax rules that restrict the investment of proceeds from the issuance of tax-exempt bonds. These bonds are used to fund a variety of expenditures, including infrastructure improvements across the country. When Treasury issues SLGS, they count against the debt limit. Because the United States is very close to reaching the debt limit, Treasury must take this action now. However, it is not without costs; it will deprive state and local governments of an important tool to manage their outstanding debt expenses.
If Congress does not increase the debt limit by May 16, the Treasury Department will be forced to employ further extraordinary measures on that date to provide headroom under the limit. Therefore, on May 16, I will (1) declare a “debt issuance suspension period” under the statute governing the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund, permitting us to redeem existing Treasury securities held by that fund as investments, and to suspend issuance of new Treasury securities to that fund as investments and (2) suspend the daily reinvestment of Treasury securities held as investments by the Government Securities Investment Fund of the Federal Employees’ Retirement System Thrift Savings Plan. (Under the law, Federal employees are protected by a requirement that both funds be made whole after a debt limit increase is enacted.)
WASHINGTON — White House Press Secretary Jay Carney spent Tuesday correcting misstatements by administration officials on Osama bin Laden’s final moments before he was gunned down Sunday.
“We provided a great deal of information with great haste in order to inform you … about the operation,” Carney said during a briefing, in a concession that administration officials have erred in their details of the raid on bin Laden’s compound outside of Islamabad, Pakistan. “Obviously some of the information came in piece by piece and is being reviewed and updated and elaborated on.”
Reading from a script carefully crafted by the Defense Department, Carney clarified that bin Laden was not armed with a gun when he was killed, contrary to some reports that he fired back at U.S. military operatives. In addition, White House counterinsurgency adviser John Brennan was wrong when he suggested Monday that one of bin Laden’s wives was killed serving as a human shield for bin Laden during gunfire.
“In the room with bin Laden, a woman — bin Laden’s wife — rushed the U.S. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed. Bin Laden was then shot and killed. He was not armed,” Carney said. Separately, another woman on the first floor was killed in crossfire, which may have led to Brennan’s misstatement.
The White House spokesman wouldn’t say whether bin Laden had any kind of weapon when he was killed or what kind of resistance he put up. Carney said only, “There was concern that bin Laden would oppose the capture operation and indeed he resisted.”
Carney also retraced the steps by which bin Laden’s body was buried in the North Arabian Sea. The body was washed, placed in a white sheet and in a weighted bag, at which point a military officer “read prepared religious remarks” that were translated into Arabic by a native speaker. The body was then “placed on a prepared flat board, tipped up, and the deceased body eased into the sea,” he said.
The White House is still mulling whether to release a picture of bin Laden killed. While releasing such a photo would confirm once and for all to naysayers that bin Laden is dead, “It’s fair to say it’s a gruesome photograph,” Carney said.
Scriba, NY – The owners of the Nine Mile Point Unit 1 this morning are trying to figure out why the recently refueled nuclear reactor automatically shut down at 8:51 p.m. Monday.
The plant responded according to design and automatically shut down with all rods that control the nuclear reaction fully inserting into the reactor, Constellation Energy Nuclear Group said this morning.
“The plant is in a safe and stable condition,” the company said in a news release.
May 04 — A teenage girl who was dropped from her high school’s cheerleading squad after refusing to chant the name of a basketball player who had sexually assaulted her must pay compensation of $45,000 (£27,300) after losing a legal challenge against the decision.
The United States Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a review of the case brought by the woman, who is known only as HS. Lower courts had ruled that she was speaking for the school, rather than for herself, when serving on a cheerleading squad – meaning that she had no right to stay silent when coaches told her to applaud.
She was 16 when she said she had been raped at a house party attended by dozens of fellow students from Silsbee High School, in south-east Texas. One of her alleged assailants, a student athlete called Rakheem Bolton, was arrested, with two other young men.
In court, Bolton pleaded guilty to the misdemeanour assault of HS. He received two years of probation, community service, a fine and was required to take anger-management classes. The charge of rape was dropped, leaving him free to return to school and take up his place on the basketball team.
Four months later, in January 2009, HS travelled to one of Silsbee High School’s basketball games in Huntsville. She joined in with the business of leading cheers throughout the match. But when Bolton was about to take a free throw, the girl decided to stand silently with her arms folded.
“I didn’t want to have to say his name and I didn’t want to cheer for him,” she later told reporters. “I just didn’t want to encourage anything he was doing.”
Richard Bain, the school superintendent in the sport-obsessed small town, saw things differently. He told HS to leave the gymnasium. Outside, he told her she was required to cheer for Bolton. When the girl said she was unwilling to endorse a man who had sexually assaulted her, she was expelled from the cheerleading squad.
Fairewinds’ founder Maggie Gundersen interviews environmental scientist and professional engineer Marco Kaltofen about his ongoing analysis of radioactive fallout from Fukushima.
You’ve bought the propaganda from the nuclear industry. They say it’s low-level radiation. That’s absolute rubbish. If you inhale a millionth of a gram of plutonium, the surrounding cells receive a very, very high dose. Most die within that area, because it’s an alpha emitter. The cells on the periphery remain viable. They mutate, and the regulatory genes are damaged. Years later, that person develops cancer. Now, that’s true for radioactive iodine, that goes to the thyroid; cesium-137, that goes to the brain and muscles; strontium-90 goes to bone, causing bone cancer and leukemia. It’s imperative … that you understand internal emitters and radiation, and it’s not low level to the cells that are exposed. Radiobiology is imperative to understand these days.”
Fukushima’s Radioactive Fuel Can Be Incinerated With A Nuclear Explosion
TEPCO says they are planning a “cold shutdown” of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plants in 6 to 9 months.
“Cold shutdown” means the reactor cores – and the used fuel pools – decrease in temperature through 100 degrees C and continue to go down after a couple of days without additional cooling. If that doesn’t happen within 48 hours, it isn’t going to. E-V-E-R. The reactors are still ‘in service’ – which means the fuel is still reacting. It hasn’t happened at Fukushima and it never will.
May 03 (Reuters) – Flames shot up and a loud boom was heard on Monday as the U.S. government blew a hole in a Mississippi River flood levee in a bid to save several towns in Illinois and Kentucky from being inundated.
A witness said water began to pour out of the hole after the explosion and is expected to eventually flood some 130,000 acres of farmland in Missouri in order to spare the towns.
The deliberate destruction of the levee after nightfall and during a driving rain, ended days of fierce debate and legal wrangling over how to cope with the rising flood waters of the Mississippi and nearby Ohio river.
Carlin Bennett, a commissioner in the rural Missouri county that will bear the brunt of the flooding, estimated the U.S. government action will cause $1 billion in property damage.
“It’s going to be like a mini tsunami through here,” he said. “We can’t really imagine it right now.”
The state of Missouri petitioned all the way to the Supreme Court in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the action. The states of Illinois and Kentucky opposed Missouri, joining the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in pushing for destruction of the levee in hopes of saving several towns in their states.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 by FAO and WHO to develop food standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme.
And here is why I am telling you this:
“The WHO Is A Private Corporation Just Like The Federal Reserve And Receives More Than Two Thirds of Its Funding From The Pharmaceutical Industry.” – Dr. Rima Laibow
The fascist New World Order health inquisition at work!
And those elitists who run your governments, the big corporations (incl. Big Pharma), the MSM and the central banks are about to take away what is left from your freedom and they will only stop when there is NOTHING left.
Think this will not affect you? The coming greatest financial collapse in world history created by the elitists, the Greatest Depression, will affect everyone.
We and our children will live in Orwell’s ‘1984’ if we don’t stop them and even more important create alternatives that do not include them NOW.
(Read the comment from Nicola Spencer and visit http://www.avaaz.org/en/eu_herbal_medicine_ban/?copy)
New EU rules came into force at the weekend banning hundreds of herbal remedies. The laws are aimed at protecting consumers from potentially damaging “traditional” medicines.
Patients have lost access to hundreds of herbal medicines today, after European regulations came into force.
Sales of all herbal remedies, except for a small number of popular products for ‘mild’ illness such as echinacea for colds and St John’s Wort for depression have been banned.
For the first time traditional products must be licensed or prescribed by a registered herbal practitioner.
Both herbal remedy practitioners and manufacturers fear they could be forced out of business as a result.
CONSUMERS will no longer be able to buy certain herbal medicines over the counter from tomorrow as a European directive regulating their sale comes into force.
From April 30 many herbal products will begin to disappear from the shelves of Ireland’s 300 herbal outlets following an EU directive which will regulate medicinal herbs in the same way as pharmaceutical products.
BRUSSELS, April 29 (Xinhua) — As Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is expanding its presence in the global market, a disputed European Union (EU) herbal directive to be fully implemented on Sunday could be a stumbling block on the road.
Starting from May 1, herbal medicinal products, most of which have been sold as food supplements for decades in the EU market, will no longer be allowed unless they have obtained a medicine license, according to the EU Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive adopted in 2004.
The directive introduced a so-called simplified registration procedure with a seven-year transition period for traditional herbal medicinal products to be licensed, including Chinese and Indian traditional medicines.
However, as the transition period is to expire on Saturday, no single Chinese herbal medicinal product has been granted the license.
“For the time being, we can only stock as many herbal medicinal products from China as we can,” said Professor Lin Bin, director of a well-known TCM clinic in the Netherlands.
Croatian natural medicines producers have been anxious over the European Union directive that has just taken effect and which regulates traditional medicinal products.
2004/24/EC bans teas and other herbal remedies to be sold as medicine but rather as food or food supplements, regulated by Codex alimentarius.
The Codex has been accepted by 120 countries around the world including Croatia, and prescribes that these products must be scientifically controlled for about a decade.
Research of one such product costs around 100,000 Euros, the daily Jutarnji List writes.
These developments have made some of Croatia’s herbalists anxious as to how this could affect their livelihood.
Vedran Korounic, the president of the Croatian Society for Natural Medicine says that no country is obligated to accept everything from the Codex. If Croatia does not adopt a law banning the sale of herbs as medicines, no significant changes would take place.
On April 30, 2011, natural healing remedies made of herbs and plants are going to be banned by a directive from the European Union, leaving pharmaceutical products as the primary option for patients .
The directive, called the THMPD (Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive) seeks to not just ban the use of herbal remedies but to actually criminalize them — making the growing or keeping of herbs for use in teas just as illegal as those for less conventional use.
The use of traditional and herbal remedies has already been banned in Canada.
According to the Alliance for Natural Health, the EU, in a pact with Big Pharma, hopes to force the use of pharmaceutical products no matter whether they are truly the right choice for your situation.
On the other hand, proponents claim they are attempting to protect the naive from shoddily produced ‘snake-oil’ elixirs and medicines. They claim that herbal remedies will still be available but that they will simply be safer.
Herbal remedies are used throughout the world and have been in use since the beginning of history.
This proposed ban is seen by the ANH as a direct attack on your right to seek alternative medicine for yourself or your family, the motive being to force your money into the pockets of big pharmaceutical companies.
The Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) is at the forefront of a massive effort to stop what they deem ‘this unprecedented attack’ on the rights of patients. The ANH is taking legal action against this directive, with the assistance of the European Benefyt Foundation (EBF).
Between them they have already managed to raise 90,000 pounds to fight the court case, but they’re requesting your help, too. Because, they say, if people don’t cry out in protest, it will be seen as agreement of the ban, or as lack of interest, which is why a citizens action group has been formed and has been circulating a petition to counter the THMPD Directive.
If the ban is allowed to take effect, the ANH says it will effectively eliminate access to phytotherapy, herbalism and all of the traditional plant-based remedies of Indian, Amazonian, African and Chinese cultures. In a very real sense, then, this could also be seen a a cultural attack on specific ethnic groups and ways of life.
For more information on the directive and how the ANH is fighting it, see their video attached to this report. You can also click here to sign the petition.
Below is a letter sent with the petition:
Dear All,
I know it sounded like hyperbole when you were informed about the Codex Alimentarius and its goal to control the world through food and medicine. Today we are seeing this diabolical plan galloping forward to reach its goal to ban all holistic healing protocols and natural/organic food. The Codex clearly supports GMOs, antibiotic use on each and every animal (including your pets), use of hormones for animal products and toxic sprays for agriculture. It applies Napoleonic Law which makes everything illegal unless otherwise approved. That includes organic foods, herbs, and other holistic methods we use for our health and survival.
Please watch this 10″ video on the current banning of herbs in all of Europe and sign the petition. Then pass it around. Time appears to be of the essence.
Then support the ANH (Alliance for Natural Health-EU) in their legal challenge of this draconian directive.
BTW, Canada did pass its Codex bill in 2008 (C-51) which bans herbs and homeopathic remedies are being limited. People did not believe Canada would do something like this, but they did. The FDA is raiding small raw milk farms in the US at an increasing rate only to create financial hardship and force them out of business. The Codex demands that any country that signs onto the Codex force their national laws to change to comply. Codex uses the World Trade Organization model in some ways and we have been seeing the FDA, USDA and the Obama administration aggressively pushing the Codex agenda forward. It is illegal in the sense that it forces people to use toxic chemicals against their will/knowledge. It attacks our civil liberty to pursue our personal lives in peace the way we chose.
Radionuclides, once deposited by rainwater or air onto the ground, will find their way through the ecosystem. We are already tracking its path from rainwater to creek runoff to tap water, but we would also like to monitor how much these isotopes that make their way into our food. For example, how much gets taken up by the grass and eventually winds up in our milk?
We have been collecting produce that is as local as possible to test for the radioactive isotopes. We might expect different kinds of plants to take up different quantities of cesium and iodine, so we are trying to measure as many different plants and fruits as we are able to. So far, we have measured grass, wild mushrooms, spinach, strawberries, cilantro, kale, and arugula. We have also measured local topsoil. As of 5/2, we will begin reporting on seaweed from the Northern California coast.
Second week of bombing begins; Media visits village hit by missile
By Andrew Buncombe in Washington
Monday, 15 October 2001
After a week of debilitating strikes at targets across Afghanistan, the Taliban repeated an offer to hand over Osama bin Laden, only to be rejected by President Bush.
The offer yesterday from Haji Abdul Kabir, the Taliban’s deputy prime minister, to surrender Mr bin Laden if America would halt its bombing and provide evidence against the Saudi-born dissident was not new but it suggested the Taliban are increasingly weary of the air strikes, which have crippled much of their military and communications assets.
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