See also:
– Fukushima: 225 Sieverts Per Hour At Reactor No. 1 – Radiation Levels Are Now Off The Chart!!!
Watch the video here.
– High radioactivity level at No. 2 reactor (NHK, May 30, 2011):
The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant says the radioactivity level and humidity are high in the Number 2 reactor building, which will make internal operations hard.
Workers entered the building last week to measure humidity and to gauge levels of radioactive substances in the atmosphere.
The results show the Number 2 reactor building’s radioactive cesium level is twice as high as the cesium level in air not purified in the Number 1 reactor building. Steam is filling the Number 2 building, and humidity has reached 99.9 percent.
The high humidity means an air purification unit cannot be used to lower the level of radioactivity.
In order to cool the spent fuel storage pool that’s causing the steam, TEPCO will put in place a heat exchanger on Tuesday to serve as a cooling system.
But TEPCO does not know how effective the system will be, so it will be a while before it can install the purifier to lower the radioactivity level.
In the meantime, MSM covers Obama’s speeches for Memorial Day and other irrelevant fill. The fact all corporate media has blacked this important story out is shocking. Even more so is the fact USA, Canada and Norway all all doing the same by shutting down all equipment that would allow us to measure radiation levels affecting those of us directly in Japan’s jet stream path. Those of us in Canada, Alaska, WA, OR and CA are getting a lot of it, but can garner no specific information on radiation levels or what to do about it.
Were it not for this website and, we would totally be in the dark. Your information is credible and fact based, much appreciated! There are some websites that claim to have information, but they publish opinions and/or statements with nothing behind them, zero credibility. We need the truth, not guessing games.
Thanks for staying on this important story.
Marilyn Gjerdrum