First Act Of Bioterrorism In Germany: Ehec Identified As Biological Terrorist Attack, HUSEC 41 Confirms Bioterrorism-Thesis

Google translation of all articles from below:

1. Ehec-Anschläge bedrohen die EU
1.Ehec attacks threaten the EU

2. (2011-05-27) Ehec: HUSEC 41 bestätigt Bioterror-These
2. Ehec: HUSEC 41 confirmed bioterrorism-thesis

3. (2011-05-26) Ehec als biologischer Terroranschlag ausgemacht
3. Ehec identified as a biological terrorist attack

4. (2011-05-25) Ehec-Infektion kann Bioterror-Anschlag sein
4. Ehec: wave of infections can be bioterrorism attack

5. (2011-05-25) Ehec: Drohender Versorgungskollaps alarmiert Nierenfachärzte
5. Ehec: Threatened supply collapse alarmed nephrologists

1.Ehec attacks threaten the EU:

Still, it speaks no one officially, you can read it for us set after an analysis of recent facts: The contamination with EHEC pathogens in Germany, UK, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands may be no accident – but the well-designed shape of the first bioterrorist attack on the EU. A look at the epidemiological evidence Statsitiken since 2000: although EHEC Erkrankunegn 1,200 per year are normal, die in Germany, only between zero and three people from the consequences of the infection. Now that within a week, six people lost their lives, these sources lack of hygienic conditions in the factories explain. Spain would be stamped as the cause distraction from the real dangers.

About 1200 EHEC infections occur, according to the RKI Each year, only: usually affects children. But now, health authorities reported over 300 cases of serious illness nationwide. According to our Zugrifssprotokollen we monitorisieren in real time, but do not save, search West German authorities after a possible attack scenarios on the web.

“The current spread is alarming because the disease is strikingly often be severe with renal failure (hemolytic-uremic syndrome = HUS) takes” three days ago told the Lower Saxony Ministry of Health, and: “It is striking that – in contrast to other HUS outbreaks in the past, most adults are affected. ” to take seriously the disease are currently particularly because “the proportion of severe disease is unusually high.”

To 27 5.2011 in Lower Saxony alone were 204 cases and suspected cases of bloody diarrhea from various counties and cities in Lower Saxony has become known “to be with enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) associated, including the Health Ministry announced in Hanover. Among them are 35 cases with severe complications (hemolytic-uremic syndrome), which were transmitted according to case definition already in the Lower Saxony state health department, and 99 EHEC cases with laboratory confirmation or preliminary laboratory confirmation.

As are the possible source of infection with the EHEC pathogens in Germany and the four other states do views of the European Commission “cucumbers from the southern provinces of Almeria and Malaga to view.

Relevant information from the German authorities have the EU Commission to all EU countries via the European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed, RASFF) officially notified, read on Friday in Brussels. In fact, the Commission is in close contact with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of diseases and national health authorities. About RASFF can view information on suspected cases of food and disease are rapidly exchanged within the EU. As far as the popular version.

Many references to bombings

The signs of a bioterrorist attack with the EHEC pathogens condense now. By the Robert Koch Institute ordered Konsiliarlabor for the hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) at the Institute of Hygiene of the University Hospital Münster (UKM) has identified the EHEC type of strain that is responsible for the current outbreak of EHEC infections in Germany. This is obviously a representative of the type “HUSEC 41” of the sequence type ST678. was due to the unique combination of exciting features, it is clear “that there had to be, for samples from four different cities around the same tribe”.

Unknown is the pathogen that is – as expected – not. “This is a representative of 42 EHEC types of HUSEC collection, which has established the Institute of Hygiene, with his colleagues at the Robert Koch Institute in Wernigerode from previously 588 EHEC strains from patients with HUS from 1996 to 2011” This information explains Helge Karch, director of the Institute in Münster.

Karch erläutertet the details known so far: “The outbreak strain is absent in about 95 percent of HUS associated with EHEC eae gene occurring, but it has this which is important for iron uptake and adherence iha gene and Shiga toxin 2 from it pours. Moreover, could the gene coding for the flagellin gene flicH4 detected in Münster. The outbreak strain is an ESBL-producer. “This means that penicillin and cephalosporins are not effective against this strain, but only carbapenems from the group of beta-lactam antibiotics.

Due to the unique combination of exciting features for Karch was laid on Wednesday afternoon that it had to act in patient samples from four different cities around the same strain.

2. Ehec: HUSEC 41 confirmed bioterrorism-thesis:

The signs of a bioterrorist attack with the EHEC pathogens compact. By the Robert Koch Institute ordered Konsiliarlabor for the hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) at the Institute of Hygiene of the University Hospital Münster (UKM) has identified the EHEC type of strain that is responsible for the current outbreak of EHEC infections in Germany. This is a representative of the type “HUSEC 41” of the sequence type ST678. Was due to the unique combination of exciting features, it is clear “that there had to be, for samples from four different cities around the same tribe”.

Unknown is the pathogen that is – as expected – not. “This is a representative of 42 EHEC types of HUSEC collection, which has established the Institute of Hygiene, with his colleagues at the Robert Koch Institute in Wernigerode from previously 588 EHEC strains from patients with HUS from 1996 to 2011 ” This information explains Helge Karch, director of the Institute in Münster.

Karch erläutertet the details known so far: “The outbreak strain is absent in about 95 percent of HUS associated with EHEC eae gene occurring, but it has this which is important for iron uptake and adherence iha gene and Shiga toxin 2 from it pours. Moreover, could the gene coding for the flagellin gene flicH4 detected in Münster. The outbreak strain is an ESBL-producer. “This means that penicillin and cephalosporins are not effective against this strain, but only carbapenems from the group of beta-lactam antibiotics.

Due to the unique combination of exciting features for Karch was laid on Wednesday afternoon that it had to act in patient samples from four different cities around the same strain. In the course of the evening was the exact type of sequence of EHEC outbreak strain were identified.

3. Ehec identified as a biological terrorist attack:

That could be the contamination with the EHEC bacterium result of an attack and thus the first act of bioterrorism in Germany, we reported on – demonstrably – nationwide as the first medium. And the only first world Webzine. Fatal meanwhile, is simply that many mainstream counterparts to Fukushima and this catastrophe as such are not recognized in time, and lost valuable time in this way went. a comment by Vlad Georgescu

Next: As a special interest Webzine we have scientists in the team, we have volunteers to the side, the authors of our site are all from the tray. User numbers are irrelevant to us because our paying subscribers – providing for a decade, the feedback that serves as a quality guarantee the contents of – Institutes of the Max Planck Society, the Fraunhofer Society or federal agencies. Advertisers can we know none, because the ads automatically run through Google, and sue us who want to do – because there is nothing to get: Our most valuable asset is the know how.

We were in the case Ehec clear that the “spread” could not be natural. Food contamination with EHEC are namely per year, and other pathogens, Listeria, for example, who, sometimes with serious diseases. But traceability is always a matter of hours, at most days – there is usually a charge that will be immediately removed from the market.

In the current case, however, it looks different. That fruit and vegetables from northern Germany per se hardly acted as a source of bacilli, is obvious – unless you have contaminated the entire wholesale pallets with it. In such a case could be difficult to elicit, which cargo has been delivered by whom and at what address. Because the infected food was not the goal so analyzed. Moreover, the likelihood that greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers from conventional cultivation with entero-bacteria come into contact, zero. Such contamination in the past were indeed encountered in organic spinach (USA), but not for fruit and vegetables, and to those already on the basis of their cultivation methods to the profile of the “source” is not.

Our own analysis was therefore on 24.05.2011, and thus before the virologists Kekule, in conclusion: We are dealing with a bacteriological attack. Both proliferation rate and the simultaneous contamination in HH, NISA, Saarland and Hessen, do not permit other scenarios. This thesis, we have posted on Twitter, Facebook and Buzz in German and English to assist state investigators in this unconventional way – since last fall and the mainstream media theory to a question.

Whether a terrorist organization, or only a single perpetrator acted, can not be said at this time. Our only assumption is purely theoretical – but unlike the fairy tale ‘by of massive spread of the disease, “the thesis is based on concrete facts of life, food technology and surveillance. EHEC is a superbug rhaltungselement a clumsy Ferran. Ehec would be as real biological weapon, however a dangerous tool.

4. Ehec: wave of infections can be bioterrorism attack:

In the spread of life-threatening EHEC bacteria (entero-haemorrhagic Escherichia coli), it might be according to our analysis, a bio-terrorist attack. The massive nation-wide distribution of intestinal bacteria without localization of the infection source shows the targeted suspension or contamination in Germany’s food-handling points. In our opinion the central warehouse are suitable, which are made from raw vegetables, fruit and vegetables distributed nationwide. A purely accidental contamination, we exclude.

About 1200 EHEC infections occur each year, only concerned: mostly children. But now at least 10 hospitalizations reported Frankfurt, Hamburg in 40 adults are hospitalized for treatment. According to our Zugrifssprotokollen we monitorisieren in real time, but do not save, search West German authorities after a possible attack scenarios on the web.

“The current spread is alarming because the disease is strikingly often be severe with renal failure (hemolytic-uremic syndrome = HUS) assume, today announced the Lower Saxony Ministry of Health, and:” It is striking that – in contrast to other HUS outbreaks in the past, most adults are affected. ” to take seriously the disease are currently particularly because “the proportion of severe disease is unusually high.”

To date (05/24/2011) 96 suspected cases of bloody diarrhea from various counties and cities have become known only in Lower Saxony, which are with enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) associated. Including 12 suspected cases are severe complications (hemolytic-uremic syndrome) in intensive care. In Diepholz a 83-year-old woman has died since the 15th because of the bloody diarrhea May was hospitalized. The death came after the Ministry of Health in Hanover on 21 May a.

The pathogen EHEC makes itself felt first by severe diarrhea, but is much more dangerous than a conventional intestinal infection, because it releases a toxin in the body, the hemolysis, the breakdown of red blood cells (RBC) results. As a result, then passes next to the anemia (anemia), renal failure, because the clog tiny blood vessels in the kidney of the degradation products.

Currently, worrying many cases this hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) are, this refers to the common occurrence of renal failure, anemia and lack of platelets (thrombocytopenia), while. As a result of HUS, other organs may suffer damage, so the patients often a dangerous swelling of the brain. Many of the cases observed had taken serious life-threatening trends.

5. Ehec: Threatened supply collapse alarmed nephrologists:

Since the weekend is rife a dangerous intestinal infection that is caused by the pathogen Escherichia coli enterohämorraghische (EHEC). At present, especially the northern German region is affected, but the first cases were already reported from other states. Now is the infectious case, a special medical care system, guarantee the maintenance of renal function. But: the capacity for life-saving apheresis are running low.

By a so-called apheresis, the healing process is substantially supported. The procedure, which otherwise frequently occurs in autoimmune diseases used eliminates the harmful substances in the blood and replaces the body’s own blood plasma. If the patient promptly such “blood washing” get complications such as cerebral edema and damage llebensbedrohliche as the permanent kidney failure are avoidable.

Apheresis is performed by nephrologists (kidney specialists). Currently, the apheresis-capacity in the affected areas are running low. The German Society of Nephrology (DGfN) has created a network to transfer patients from the affected regions to other regions and nephrologists to guarantee the supply. Moreover, the authorities are currently on and also Aphesesemaschinen in the nephrology centers in North flown in Germany in order to increase the capacity.

Thus, the DGfN ensure the supply of those affected currently. To prevent further spread of the pathogen, the population is called upon to meet specific health measures. The causative agent is probably transmitted through animal feces or direct contact with animals, but can also be transmitted through contaminated foods such as raw milk or beef. A direct contagion from person to person is in the acute phase also possible. Although the exact excitation source for the current outbreak is not yet known, advises the DGfN urgent following precautions:

– Waiver of raw milk and raw milk products.

– Kopfgedünktes vegetables (often are the organic products) wash well, if possible cook.

– Take care not eat raw meat that the meat well-done / is cooked.


The pathogen EHEC makes itself felt first by severe diarrhea, but is much more dangerous than a conventional intestinal infection, because it releases a toxin in the body, the hemolysis, the breakdown of red blood cells (RBC) results. As a result, then passes next to the anemia (anemia), renal failure, because the clog tiny blood vessels in the kidney of the degradation products.

Currently, worrying many cases this hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) are, this refers to the common occurrence of renal failure, anemia and lack of platelets (thrombocytopenia), while. As a result of HUS, other organs may suffer damage, so the patients often a dangerous swelling of the brain. Many of the cases observed had taken serious life-threatening trends.

5 thoughts on “First Act Of Bioterrorism In Germany: Ehec Identified As Biological Terrorist Attack, HUSEC 41 Confirms Bioterrorism-Thesis”

  1. simplier then bioterrorism = mutation because of elevated radiation levels from fukushima fallout.

  2. Never trust a conspiracy theorist to deal with the facts rationally. They will resort to lies and fallacies to convince people of junk like this.


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