Japanese Restaurant In Taiwan Is Serving Up Radiation Gauges Alongside Its Meals

Food contamination fears spread beyond Japan’s borders (Los Angeles Times):

Concern over food contaminated by radiation from areas surrounding the troubled nuclear plant in Fukushima spread beyond Japan’s borders Monday morning with world health officials warning of the potential dangers posed by the tainted food and one Japanese restaurant in Taiwan serving up radiation gauges alongside its meals.

World Health Organization officials told reporters Monday that Japan should act quickly to ban food sales from areas around the damaged nuclear plant, saying radiation in food is more dangerous than radioactive particles in the air because of accumulation in the human body.

1 thought on “Japanese Restaurant In Taiwan Is Serving Up Radiation Gauges Alongside Its Meals”

  1. How does the radiation gauge work? And is it all part of Taiwan restaurants have? What about Taiwan cities like gao xiong and taibei?


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