Babies and young children should not be even allowed to be near a TV, computer or radio because their brain waves are in the Delta and Theta frequency range.
They are so easily programmed and brainwashed. Protect them as good as you can or you end up with little programmed biorobots. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is a fact.
– Walt Disney Satanic Illuminati Co.
You are bombarded with subliminal messages everywhere. Once you become aware of this fact you cannot be manipulated that easily anymore. Children have NO protection.
Children under five are more comfortable playing computer games than tying their own shoelaces according to new research.
Children are losing out on social and physical well-being, the research says Photo: IAN JONES
Practical skills in children are increasingly underdeveloped with traditional milestones being replaced by digital ones.
Seven out of ten two to five year olds are happy playing on-line games compared to just 11 per cent who were capable of tying their shoelaces.
Experts said that children are losing out on social and physical well-being as parents find it easier to entertain them by putting them in front of a computer screen.
As a result less than two in ten of the children surveyed could swim unaided while 23 per cent aged two to five were able to make a call on a mobile phone.
Less than half knew their own home address and only a third were able to write their first and last names.
Sue Palmer, a child development expert, said: “By encouraging them to live a virtual screen-based existence we are deadening their developmental drive and dumbing them down.”
She told the Daily Mail: “They get used to the quick fix and the easy rewards of communicating with technology and don’t learn how to invest the emotional effort that is necessary for real relationships. What they need is to play with real people in order to develop properly.”
The “Digital Diaries” survey was carried out by Internet Security Company AVG and looked at 2,200 mothers and their children in 11 countries.
Researchers found that British children were more “plugged in” and had fewer real life skills than those in other countries.
By Laura Roberts 11:10AM GMT 20 Jan 2011
Source The Telegraph
See also:
– Illuminati Symbolism In Movies, Incl. 9/11 Symbolism Years Ahead of The Attack