Elite Puppet John McCain Introduced Two Bills To Destroy What Is Left Of Liberty


John McCain’s Attack On Liberty

by Chuck Baldwin

Anyone paying attention knows that John McCain has been a Big-Government Globalist Neocon (BGGN) for virtually his entire senatorial career. As with many BGGNs hiding out in the Republican Party, McCain likes to talk about smaller government, but his track record is littered with the promotion of one big government program after another. But, what else would one expect from a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)?

Lately, however, McCain has outdone himself. He has introduced two bills in the US Senate that are about as Machiavellian as they could be. I am referring to S.3081, a bill that would authorize the federal government to detain American citizens indefinitely without trial, and S.3002, a bill that would authorize the federal government to regulate vitamins, minerals, and virtually all health and natural food products.

According to Examiner.com, “John McCain introduced a bill into the U.S. Senate which, if passed, would actually allow U.S. citizens to be arrested and detained indefinitely, all without Miranda rights or ever being charged with a crime.”

The Examiner report continued by saying “This bill, introduced by McCain, who despite overwhelming evidence, claims to be a ‘conservative,’ would not only take away our right to a trial, but would also allow the federal government to arrest and imprison anyone the current administration deems hostile.

“Of course, that would be the same administration whose Homeland Security Secretary has classified veterans, retired law enforcement, Ron Paul [and Chuck Baldwin] supporters, and conservatives as ‘terrorists.'”

See also:

Dylan Ratigan Show: President Obama ‘Has A Hit List Of American Citizens Like YOU targeted For Assassination’

President Obama Wins The Right to Detain People With No Habeas Review

US government can execute its own citizens far from a combat zone, with no judicial process and based on secret intelligence!

Obama Administration Approves Targeted Killing of American Cleric

Rep. Ron Paul on Obama seeking to assassinate ‘US citizens’ he labels as terrorist

The Examiner report concluded by saying “If it was not clear before, it should be now that John McCain has as little respect for the Constitution as he does for our borders.”


If McCain gets his way, your constitutional right to a speedy trial by jury is gone, as well as your constitutional right to Habeas Corpus. But, of course, they would attempt to justify this by claiming it is being done in the name of national security and the war on terrorism.

See the Examiner report at:


Regarding McCain’s desire for the federal government to take over the vitamin industry, attorney Jonathan Emord wrote, “If you had any doubt about whether John McCain is a limited government conservative, you may put that doubt to rest-he is not. On February 3, 2010, John McCain introduced to the United States Senate the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010. Reflecting upon this poorly written bill, I am struck by the fact that John McCain apparently sees little difference between fissile material and dietary supplements. He is intent on regulating supplements as if they were radioactive enriched uranium rather than bioactive vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and botanicals that more often than not help people.

“The Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 enjoys support from the most liberal members of Congress. It is an invitation for the FDA to assume broad new powers and replicate here the system now operating in Europe over dietary supplements where dietary ingredients are presumed adulterated and unlawful to sell unless pre-approved by the government. In short, good bye free enterprise, good bye limited government, and hello more heavy handed, arbitrary and punitive FDA bias against the beleaguered dietary supplement industry.”

See Emord’s column at:


Please remember, this is the same John McCain who, during the 2008 Presidential campaign, said he would “order the secretary of the treasury to immediately buy up the bad home loan mortgages in America.” Of course, McCain didn’t explain where this authority would come from, because such a proposal has no legal or constitutional authority. And, by the way, this one little sentence, if implemented, would cost taxpayers some $300 billion.

McCain also said he wanted to tap Mr. Climate Change Wacko himself, Al Gore, “to work in his administration on developing a new and much tougher U.N.-sponsored global warming treaty.”

(Source: Cliff Kincaid. See his column at:
http://www.newswithviews.com/Kincaid/cliff260.htm )

This is the same John McCain who addressed the Hoover Institution on May 1, 2007, and said if he were elected President, he would create a new international organization known as the “League of Democracies” (LD).

In advancing the LD, McCain said, “We should go further and start bringing democratic peoples and nations from around the world into one common organization, a worldwide League of Democracies.” He then added, “The new League of Democracies would form the core of an international order . . .”

See McCain’s speech to the Hoover Institution at:


If McCain and his CFR buddies get their way, this new LD would be a United Nations on steroids! As I said all over America on the campaign trail in 2008, “John McCain is a globalist.” Of course, so is Barack Obama. In fact, every President since (and including) George H.W. Bush has been a full-fledged, rotten-to-the-core globalist.

And, yes, this is the same John McCain who was one of the primary movers and shakers (along with Obama, Lindsey Graham, and G.W. Bush) who attempted (and would again) to provide amnesty to illegal aliens and open America’s borders to illegal immigration.

And now McCain wants the federal government to take over the vitamin industry, and he wants to give the federal government the power to jail American citizens indefinitely without trial.

The citizens of Arizona can do the American people-and liberty itself-a great favor this year by giving Senator John McCain his walking papers. Big-Government dinosaurs like McCain are an albatross around the neck of freedom and constitutional government. If we don’t send them packing now, the shackles they put around our throats will become insufferable.

Posted on Aug 24, 2010
Chuck Baldwin

Source: Chuck Baldwin

John McCain is an elite puppet like Barack Obama. You had no choice.

The New World Order wants to criminalize supplements like vitamins and herbs …

On CODEX and the agenda of the elite:

Dr. Rima E. Laibow: The Globalist Depopulation Agenda

Dr. Rima E. Laibow on Codex Alimentarius and Food Nazification (!)

Dr. Rima E. Laibow on the Contamination of the Food Supply & Deadly Antibiotics

Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection

One Nation Under Siege – Full Theatrical Release

Nutricide – Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs

… and destroy the body through genetically modified food turning people into slaves.

GM food alters your DNA, changes your brain waves, destroys your immune system, your organs and makes you infertile.

GMO Sugar Beets – Monsanto Wins Again

US: Rice Farmer Awarded $500,000 In GM Rice Trial

Scientist Leading Taxpayer-Funded GM Crop Test Defends Links To US Biotech Giant Monsanto

US Supreme Court Lifts Ban On Monsanto’s GM Alfalfa

UK Academics Quit Rigged FSA Frankenfood Propaganda

Study: Monsanto’s Roundup Kills Human Cells (Flashback)

GMO Alert: US Attempting Global Censorship of GMO Food Labeling

California Files Legal Brief Opposing Monsanto in US Supreme Court

Russian Scientists Prove Genetically Modified Foods are Harmful, Suggest Ban on GM Foods

Bayer AG admits GMO contamination out of control

Monsanto: GM-Corn Harvest of 82,000 Hectares in South Africa Fails (!)

Multiple Ways Monsanto is Putting Normal Seeds Out of Reach

Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Seed Patents May Trump Antitrust Claims

Former Managing Director of Monsanto India: Monsanto ‘Faked’ Data for Approvals

Monsanto GM Corn Causing Organ Failure In Rats: Study (Everything You Need To Know)

Scientist: Monsanto’s herbicide could cause brain, intestinal and heart defects in foetuses

Hawaii: GMO taro ban proposal goes to full council

Monsanto to Charge as Much as 42 % More for New Seeds!

US Association of Physicians calls for Moratorium on GMO Foods

Monsanto sues Germany over GM corn ban

Germany bans Monsanto’s GM maize

Greenpeace: No need for condoms – GE corn can do the job

Austrian Government Study Confirms Genetically Modified (GM) Crops Threaten Human Fertility and Health Safety

BIODIVERSITY: Privatisation Making Seeds Themselves Infertile

At stake is no less than control of the world’s food supply.

Exposed: the great GM crops myth:

“Genetic modification actually cuts the productivity of crops, an authoritative new study shows, undermining repeated claims that a switch to the controversial technology is needed to solve the growing world food crisis.”

Highly recommended videos:

Life running out of control – Genetically Modified Organisms (!)

The World According to Monsanto – A documentary that Americans won’t ever see. (!)

Obama and Monsanto:

Obama Gives Key Agriculture Post to Lobbyist of CropLife America Whose Members Include Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont and Dow Chemical

Obama Gives ‘Pesticide Lobbyist’ Post as Chief Agricultural Negotiator

Monsanto lobbyists to be placed in charge of food safety by Obama

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